ecaruyer / phantomas

Create realistic digital phantoms in diffusion MRI.
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empty or flat diffusion-weighted images #22

Open mdesco opened 10 years ago

mdesco commented 10 years ago

I think Samuel St-Jean has had this issue in the past. It seems that for some configuration of python environment running the phantomas_dwi generates "empty" diffusion-weighted images. The geometry and the size of the file is ok, the b0 image is ok also, but all diffusion-weighted images have the same value of 22 within the mask.

I have no idea how this happens. Sam and I have this issue whereas Gab Girard and Mic Paquette don't...

ecaruyer commented 10 years ago

Thanks Max. I think this is the time for me to start writing unit tests so that we have more feedback on what is working or not on a specific distribution. I'll work on this once ISMRM is behind us.