eccentricdevotion / XPKeeper

Bukkit plugin to save XP
2 stars 4 forks source link

xpkcolor and xpkforce have no permissions :-/ #3

Closed natsimhan closed 8 years ago

natsimhan commented 8 years ago


All is in the title :) I use the latest version available. Without any permission, all users can launch /xpkcolor or /xpkforce .... and it's little inapriopriate, isn't it ?

Thank's for this plugin I'm using on my server (~50 actives users) !

eccentricdevotion commented 8 years ago

xpkforce = xpkeeper.force - only players with this permission can force remove other players' records, they can always force remove their own record (and lose their own data/exp)

There were some issues with how this was working, but they should be fixed now.

Have added permissions check for /xpkcolor

eccentricdevotion commented 8 years ago

New build (1.4.7) uploaded to BukkitDev

or get it here:$XPKeeper/