ecency / ecency-mobile

Ecency Mobile - reimagined social blogging, contribute and get rewarded (for Android and iOS)
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[BUG] Incorrectly highlighted server dropdown component #2672

Open benas-maurusaitis opened 1 year ago

benas-maurusaitis commented 1 year ago

Incorrectly highlighted server dropdown component in settings -> server -> dropdown. Always is highlighted.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to 'settings'
  2. Click on 'server' dropdown
  3. Choose another server than ''
  4. Go to 'settings' -> 'server' dropdown again
  5. See selected and highlighted server mismatch

Selected server should match with highlighted server


Device: [iPhone6s] OS: [iOS15.7.3] Version [3.0.39 (3860]

Device: [Xiaomi Redmi Note 8] OS: [Android 11] Version [11 RKQ1.201004.002]

getusha commented 1 year ago

I can take this one.