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Bug: Duplicated System Notification #352

Open alpham8 opened 5 years ago

alpham8 commented 5 years ago


on my Android phone I usually get duplicated system notifications for the same event. This bug basically appears on all events (follow, unfollow, comment on post, etc.). When I do nothing with it, so just whiping it out (deleting), you can wait they will appear again.

I am not sure, if this is real bug, because the steem user name sounds like a bot and maybe the bot really did this so often. But in my opinion it's worth some investigation at this.

In the attached files you will find some screen shots of the bug behaviour / problem. Look there at the time and date (german de_DE locale format)s, they are really close to each other (so I think, wihtout looking at the code, you just registered somewhere twice the event listener. This is easy with NodeJS, but hard to debug and eliminate it). I tried to find myself the problem, but I wasn't able, since this native app development is new to me. I'm only familiar with modern and old web development (frontend and backend). However, I would welcome it, if you would mark the commit IDs right here in this issue report, in order to learn it myself by looking at your code changes.

Some system details: Model: Motorala XT1052 (ghost_retde) Android Build Number: LPAS23.12-15.5-1 Android OS: Lollipop MR 1 (5.1) SDK Version: 22

eSteem Version: v1.6.0 from Google's Play Store

double_follow fourth_follow

tobias-g1 commented 5 years ago

This is a duplicate of #237