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[mini.hipatterns] Question about the use of virtual inline text for custom highlights like hex_color() #1023

Closed tigion closed 1 week ago

tigion commented 1 week ago


My goal is to be able to use inline text for rgb(), rgba() and #000 like the existing hex_color().

Is the following method the preferred way to use inline text for custom highlighting?

Bildschirmfoto 2024-07-07 um 14 47 50

My configuration for mini.hipatterns:

return {
  enabled = true,
  version = false,
  opts = {},
  config = function(_, opts)

    local hipatterns = require('mini.hipatterns')

    -- Returns hex color group for matching short hex color.
    ---@param match string
    ---@return string
    local hex_color_short = function(_, match)
      local style = 'fg' -- 'fg' or 'bg', for extmark_opts_inline use 'fg'
      local r, g, b = match:sub(2, 2), match:sub(3, 3), match:sub(4, 4)
      local hex = string.format('#%s%s%s%s%s%s', r, r, g, g, b, b)
      return hipatterns.compute_hex_color_group(hex, style)

    -- Returns hex color group for matching rgb() color.
    ---@param match string
    ---@return string
    local rgb_color = function(_, match)
      local style = 'fg' -- 'fg' or 'bg', for extmark_opts_inline use 'fg'
      local red, green, blue = match:match('rgb%((%d+), ?(%d+), ?(%d+)%)')
      local hex = string.format('#%02x%02x%02x', red, green, blue)
      return hipatterns.compute_hex_color_group(hex, style)

    -- Returns hex color group for matching rgba() color
    -- or false if alpha is nil or out of range.
    -- The use of the alpha value refers to a black background.
    ---@param match string
    ---@return string|false
    local rgba_color = function(_, match)
      local style = 'fg' -- 'fg' or 'bg', for extmark_opts_inline use 'fg'
      local red, green, blue, alpha = match:match('rgba%((%d+), ?(%d+), ?(%d+), ?(%d*%.?%d*)%)')
      alpha = tonumber(alpha)
      if alpha == nil or alpha < 0 or alpha > 1 then return false end
      local hex = string.format('#%02x%02x%02x', red * alpha, green * alpha, blue * alpha)
      return hipatterns.compute_hex_color_group(hex, style)

    -- Returns extmark opts for highlights with virtual inline text.
    ---@param data table Includes `hl_group`, `full_match` and more.
    ---@return table
    local extmark_opts_inline = function(_, _, data)
      return {
        virt_text = { { '', data.hl_group } },
        virt_text_pos = 'inline',
        -- priority = 200,
        right_gravity = false,

      highlighters = {
        -- `#rrggbb`
        -- hex_color = hipatterns.gen_highlighter.hex_color({ style = 'full' }),
        hex_color = hipatterns.gen_highlighter.hex_color({ style = 'inline', inline_text = '' }),
        -- `#rgb`
        hex_color_short = { pattern = '#%x%x%x%f[%X]', group = hex_color_short, extmark_opts = extmark_opts_inline },
        -- `rgb(255, 255, 255)`
        rgb_color = { pattern = 'rgb%(%d+, ?%d+, ?%d+%)', group = rgb_color, extmark_opts = extmark_opts_inline },
        -- `rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)`
        rgba_color = {
          pattern = 'rgba%(%d+, ?%d+, ?%d+, ?%d*%.?%d*%)',
          group = rgba_color,
          extmark_opts = extmark_opts_inline,

Thanks for feedback