Open heygent opened 4 months ago
Thanks for the suggestion!
An idea of generalizable repeatable jump is interesting and I'll take a look at implementation in 'nvim-treesitter'.
However, my first instinct is that I don't really like the idea of overriding ";" and ",". Not sure why, though. Probably because they are somewhat special and the first one is already taken by 'min.jump'. I'll think about it.
I ended up monkeypatching the mini functions on my config's side. It's really nice to use, you can use this snippet to try it out (requires nvim-treesitter-textobjects):
local ts_repeat_move = require("nvim-treesitter.textobjects.repeatable_move")
local minibracketed = require('mini.bracketed')
for key, _ in pairs(minibracketed.config) do
local move_fn = minibracketed[key]
minibracketed[key] = function(direction, opts)
local function repeatable_move(inopts)
move_fn(inopts.forward and 'forward' or 'backward', opts)
ts_repeat_move.set_last_move(repeatable_move, {
forward = direction == 'forward' or direction == 'last',
move_fn(direction, opts)
local miniai = require('')
local move_cursor = miniai.move_cursor
miniai.move_cursor = function(side, ai_type, id, opts)
local function repeatable_move_cursor(inopts)
local new_opts = vim.tbl_extend('force', opts, {
search_method = inopts.forward and 'next' or 'prev'
move_cursor(side, ai_type, id, new_opts)
{ forward = opts.search_method ~= 'prev' and opts.search_method ~= 'cover_or_prev' }
move_cursor(side, ai_type, id, opts)
local minijump = require('mini.jump')
local jump = minijump.jump
minijump.jump = function(target, backward, till, number)
local function repeatable_jump(inopts)
jump(target, not inopts.forward, till, 1)
{ forward = not backward }
jump(target, backward, till, number)
-- Repeat movement with ; and ,
-- ensure ; goes forward and , goes backward regardless of the last direction
vim.keymap.set({ "n", "x", "o" }, ";", ts_repeat_move.repeat_last_move_next)
vim.keymap.set({ "n", "x", "o" }, ",", ts_repeat_move.repeat_last_move_previous)
-- vim way: ; goes to the direction you were moving.
-- vim.keymap.set({ "n", "x", "o" }, ";", ts_repeat_move.repeat_last_move)
-- vim.keymap.set({ "n", "x", "o" }, ",", ts_repeat_move.repeat_last_move_opposite)
Contributing guidelines
mini.jump,, mini.bracketed
Hi, and thank you for this incredible project, it is slowly conquering my config :)
I think it would be cool if modules that deal with movements were able to make them repeatable with
. Some examples of this behaviour would be:]i
takes you to the next indent, and pressing;
afterwards takes you to the next one again. Pressing,
would instead bring you to the previous one. Same could be done with the movements that are local to the buffer, such as treesitter nodes, diagnostics, comment blocks etc.g['
takes you to the first quote in a pair, pressing;
afterwards does it again. This is also implented in nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter-textobjects;
key. It would be a matter of integrating it with the general mechanism used for the other modules.There is an implementation of this in It is written so that other plugins can hook into it, making their respective moves repeatable, but I feel like such a mechanism would be better suited to a project like this, as it is more general in scope and it already has many modules it can be hooked into.