echelon-theme / echelon

A old Mozilla Firefox theme for Firefox 115 ESR.
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Proper DPI scaling #8

Open AxelKelo opened 4 months ago

AxelKelo commented 4 months ago

First of all, thank you very much for the Echelon, it's beautiful. There's not really an issue, just an enhancement idea: I use 125% DPI setting, and there are many areas where it is obvious that the theme is made with only 100% scaling in mind. The Strata button is too big and square-y, textures of the tabs are blurry (almost every texture in general is kind of blurred, with a different level of obviousness), FF 4-9 refresh buttons are a little misaligned in the URL bar, and the Australis bookmark bar has a 1px seam above it. I think it would be absolutely fantastic to have a proper scaling

useruserqq commented 4 months ago

@AxelKelo Australis bookmark button work for you?

AxelKelo commented 4 months ago

Well yes, everything works as it should, just looks ugly at higher DPI

AxelKelo commented 4 months ago

Cut-out for caption buttons in fog texture is misplaced on high DPI now, too. Wasn't an issue in 0.6.3 beta, since there was no said cut-out.

aspencuozzo commented 4 months ago

If it helps, this is what the Strata button looks like for me on a 4K monitor at 175% scaling. You can see it is much taller than it's supposed to be.


aubymori commented 4 months ago

Strata had awful hidpi support in reality, FYI.

ephemeralViolette commented 4 months ago

Hi-DPI only started becoming a thing in Windows software in general in the mid-2010s, and a little bit before that for OS X (because of Retina displays). Today, Windows still is very rarely used at anything other than 96 DPI. That's what we target for Windows, because those are the displays that we have.

Firefox 19 (~12 February 2013) was the first version of Firefox to support hi-DPI, but this was only for OS X's Pinstripe theme, and not Windows. Hi-DPI support for Windows (only 2X) was only added in 2015 for Australis (

aspencuozzo commented 4 months ago

I mean that's fair, if you guys are trying to keep it really true to the original including all its quirks, I get that. If someone with a HiDPI display is able to figure out how to get the button to scale properly, it would be great is all. I'm not sure it's accurate to say that Windows is rarely used at above 96 DPI with the proliferation of 1440p and 4k monitors these days but I digress. It's not a pressing issue or anything and I still think the theme is awesome.