Open jablazek opened 2 years ago
Is a 'forward modeling' capability for indirect measurements (e.g. given a joint distribution of z,L,sSFR or whatever, of a sample) in scope for this discussion?
On Hankel transformations to get projected alignment statistics (w_g+, w_gx, w_xx) from P(k)'s: Cell’s and xi+/- are straightforward, but the Hankel transforms for wg+ and w++ from IA P(k)’s are not explicitly implemented in many places. The hacks which have been mentioned are exploiting the similar form of angular C_ell → angular CF integrations. These are in CosmoSIS @ joezuntz / cosmosis / wiki / default modules / cl to xi nicaea 1.0 — Bitbucket and in CCL @ CCLX/CellsCorrelations.ipynb at master · LSSTDESC/CCLX · GitHub (“correlation functions”, at the bottom)
Needed modeling
What are the modeling capabilities that are most useful for community analysis of new and existing measurements?
Contacts: Jonathan Blazek, Elisa Chisari Participants: When will this discussion take place? Wednesday TBD
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