echo-air-model / echo-air

A repository of scripts used for converting emissions to concentrations and health impacts using the InMAP Source-Receptor Matrix
MIT License
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Add north arrows and scale bars to map figures #35

Closed lkoolik closed 1 month ago

amyryao commented 2 months ago

I ran the model and it worked with the matplotlib scalebar! After running pip list>test, this is what is inside my list.txt:

Package Version

attrs 21.4.0 certifi 2021.10.8 click 8.1.2 click-plugins 1.1.1 cligj 0.7.2 cycler 0.11.0 DateTime 4.5 Fiona 1.8.21 fonttools 4.32.0 geopandas 0.10.2 kiwisolver 1.4.2 matplotlib 3.5.1 matplotlib-scalebar 0.8.1 munch 2.5.0 numpy 1.22.3 packaging 21.3 pandas 1.4.2 pathlib 1.0.1 Pillow 9.1.0 pip 20.2.3 pyarrow 7.0.0 pyparsing 3.0.8 pyproj 3.3.0 python-dateutil 2.8.2 pytz 2022.1 Rtree 1.0.0 scipy 1.8.0 seaborn 0.11.2 setuptools 49.2.1 Shapely 1.8.1.post1 six 1.16.0 zope.interface 5.4.0