echobom / notes

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openairinterface5g - 5g_l2sim_tdd #6

Open echobom opened 2 years ago

echobom commented 2 years ago

echobom commented 2 years ago
sudo ifconfig lo: netmask up
echobom commented 2 years ago
$ cd ci-scripts/yaml_files/5g_l2sim_tdd
$ docker-compose up -d mysql oai-nrf oai-amf oai-smf oai-spgwu oai-ext-dn
echobom commented 2 years ago
$ docker-compose up -d oai-gnb
echobom commented 2 years ago
$ docker-compose up -d proxy oai-nr-ue0
echobom commented 2 years ago

In the SMF section, provide your own DNS IP address:


In the gNB section, provide your docker-host primary IP address and interface name: in our case and eno1.

            GNB_NGA_IF_NAME: eno1
            GNB_NGU_IF_NAME: eno1

Same thing in the nr-ue section:

            NR_UE_NFAPI_IF_NAME: eno1
echobom commented 2 years ago
$ docker exec -it l2sim-oai-gnb bash
/opt/oai-gnb/bin/nr-softmodem.Rel15 -O /opt/oai-gnb/etc/gnb.conf --sa --nfapi 2 --emulate-l1 
--log_config.global_log_options level time thread_id nocolor
# cat /opt/oai-gnb/etc/gnb.conf
Active_gNBs = ( "gnb-l2sim-vnf");
# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
Asn1_verbosity = "none";

gNBs =
    ////////// Identification parameters:
    gNB_ID    =  0xe00;
    gNB_name  =  "gnb-l2sim-vnf";

    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
    tracking_area_code  =  1;
    plmn_list = ({
                  mcc = 208;
                  mnc = 99;
                  mnc_length = 2;
                  snssaiList = (
                      sst = 1;
                      sd  = 0x1; // 0 false, else true
                      sst = 1;
                      sd  = 0x112233; // 0 false, else true


    nr_cellid = 12345678L;

    ////////// Physical parameters:

    ssb_SubcarrierOffset                                      = 0;
    min_rxtxtime = 6;

     pdcch_ConfigSIB1 = (
        controlResourceSetZero = 12;
        searchSpaceZero = 0;

    servingCellConfigCommon = (

      physCellId                                                    = 0;

#  downlinkConfigCommon
      # this is 3600 MHz + 43 PRBs@30kHz SCS (same as initial BWP)
      absoluteFrequencySSB                                             = 641280;
      dl_frequencyBand                                                 = 78;
      # this is 3600 MHz
      dl_absoluteFrequencyPointA                                       = 640008;
        dl_offstToCarrier                                              = 0;
# subcarrierSpacing
# 0=kHz15, 1=kHz30, 2=kHz60, 3=kHz120
        dl_subcarrierSpacing                                           = 1;
        dl_carrierBandwidth                                            = 106;
        # this is RBstart=27,L=48 (275*(L-1))+RBstart
        initialDLBWPlocationAndBandwidth                               = 12952; # 6366 12925 12956 28875 12952
# subcarrierSpacing
# 0=kHz15, 1=kHz30, 2=kHz60, 3=kHz120
        initialDLBWPsubcarrierSpacing                                   = 1;
        initialDLBWPcontrolResourceSetZero                              = 12;
        initialDLBWPsearchSpaceZero                                     = 0;

      ul_frequencyBand                                              = 78;
      ul_offstToCarrier                                             = 0;
# subcarrierSpacing
# 0=kHz15, 1=kHz30, 2=kHz60, 3=kHz120
      ul_subcarrierSpacing                                          = 1;
      ul_carrierBandwidth                                           = 106;
      pMax                                                          = 20;
        initialULBWPlocationAndBandwidth                            = 12952;
# subcarrierSpacing
# 0=kHz15, 1=kHz30, 2=kHz60, 3=kHz120
        initialULBWPsubcarrierSpacing                               = 1;
          prach_ConfigurationIndex                                  = 98;
#0 = one, 1=two, 2=four, 3=eight
          prach_msg1_FDM                                            = 0;
          prach_msg1_FrequencyStart                                 = 0;
          zeroCorrelationZoneConfig                                 = 13;
          preambleReceivedTargetPower                               = -96;
#preamblTransMax (0...10) = (3,4,5,6,7,8,10,20,50,100,200)
          preambleTransMax                                          = 6;
# 0=dB0,1=dB2,2=dB4,3=dB6
        powerRampingStep                                            = 1;
        ra_ResponseWindow                                           = 4;
        ssb_perRACH_OccasionAndCB_PreamblesPerSSB_PR                = 4;
#oneHalf (0..15) 4,8,12,16,...60,64
        ssb_perRACH_OccasionAndCB_PreamblesPerSSB                   = 14;
#(0..7) 8,16,24,32,40,48,56,64
        ra_ContentionResolutionTimer                                = 7;
        rsrp_ThresholdSSB                                           = 19;
#1 = 839, 2 = 139
        prach_RootSequenceIndex_PR                                  = 2;
        prach_RootSequenceIndex                                     = 1;
        # SCS for msg1, can only be 15 for 30 kHz < 6 GHz, takes precendence over the one derived from prach-ConfigIndex
        msg1_SubcarrierSpacing                                      = 1,
# restrictedSetConfig
# 0=unrestricted, 1=restricted type A, 2=restricted type B
        restrictedSetConfig                                         = 0,

        msg3_DeltaPreamble                                          = 1;
        p0_NominalWithGrant                                         =-90;

# pucch-ConfigCommon setup :
# pucchGroupHopping
# 0 = neither, 1= group hopping, 2=sequence hopping
        pucchGroupHopping                                           = 0;
        hoppingId                                                   = 40;
        p0_nominal                                                  = -90;
# ssb_PositionsInBurs_BitmapPR
# 1=short, 2=medium, 3=long
      ssb_PositionsInBurst_PR                                       = 2;
      ssb_PositionsInBurst_Bitmap                                   = 1;

# ssb_periodicityServingCell
# 0 = ms5, 1=ms10, 2=ms20, 3=ms40, 4=ms80, 5=ms160, 6=spare2, 7=spare1
      ssb_periodicityServingCell                                    = 2;

# dmrs_TypeA_position
# 0 = pos2, 1 = pos3
      dmrs_TypeA_Position                                           = 0;

# subcarrierSpacing
# 0=kHz15, 1=kHz30, 2=kHz60, 3=kHz120
      subcarrierSpacing                                             = 1;

# subcarrierSpacing
# 0=kHz15, 1=kHz30, 2=kHz60, 3=kHz120
      referenceSubcarrierSpacing                                    = 1;
      # pattern1
      # dl_UL_TransmissionPeriodicity
      # 0=ms0p5, 1=ms0p625, 2=ms1, 3=ms1p25, 4=ms2, 5=ms2p5, 6=ms5, 7=ms10
      dl_UL_TransmissionPeriodicity                                 = 6;
      nrofDownlinkSlots                                             = 7;
      nrofDownlinkSymbols                                           = 6;
      nrofUplinkSlots                                               = 2;
      nrofUplinkSymbols                                             = 4;

      ssPBCH_BlockPower                                             = -25;


    # ------- SCTP definitions
    SCTP :
        # Number of streams to use in input/output
        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;

    ////////// AMF parameters:
    amf_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
                              active     = "yes";
                              preference = "ipv4";

        GNB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_NG_AMF            = "ens38";
        GNB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_NG_AMF              = "";
        GNB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_NGU               = "ens38";
        GNB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_NGU                 = "";
        GNB_PORT_FOR_NGU                         = 2152; # Spec 2152


        num_cc = 1;
        local_s_if_name  = "lo:";
        remote_s_address = ""; // pnf addr [!]
        local_s_address  = ""; // vnf addr
        local_s_portc    = 50601; // vnf p5 port
        remote_s_portc   = 50600; // pnf p5 port [!]
        local_s_portd    = 50611; // vnf p7 port [!]
        remote_s_portd   = 50610; // pnf p7 port [!]
        tr_s_preference = "nfapi";
        tr_n_preference = "local_RRC";

L1s = (
  num_cc = 1;
  tr_n_preference = "local_mac";
  thread_pool_size = 8;
  prach_dtx_threshold = 120;
  pucch0_dtx_threshold = 150;

RUs = (
       local_rf       = "yes"
         nb_tx          = 1
         nb_rx          = 1
         att_tx         = 0
         att_rx         = 0;
         bands          = [78];
         max_pdschReferenceSignalPower = -27;
         max_rxgain                    = 75;
         eNB_instances  = [0];
         #beamforming 1x4 matrix:
         bf_weights = [0x00007fff, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000];
         #clock_src = "external";
         sdr_addrs = "mgmt_addr=,addr=,second_addr=,clock_source=internal,time_source=internal"

    #three config for level of parallelism "PARALLEL_SINGLE_THREAD", "PARALLEL_RU_L1_SPLIT", or "PARALLEL_RU_L1_TRX_SPLIT"
    parallel_config    = "PARALLEL_SINGLE_THREAD";
    #two option for worker "WORKER_DISABLE" or "WORKER_ENABLE"
    worker_config      = "WORKER_ENABLE";

rfsimulator :
    serveraddr = "server";
    serverport = "4043";
    options = (); #("saviq"); or/and "chanmod"
    modelname = "AWGN";
    IQfile = "/tmp/rfsimulator.iqs";

security = {
  # preferred ciphering algorithms
  # the first one of the list that an UE supports in chosen
  # valid values: nea0, nea1, nea2, nea3
  ciphering_algorithms = ( "nea0" );

  # preferred integrity algorithms
  # the first one of the list that an UE supports in chosen
  # valid values: nia0, nia1, nia2, nia3
  integrity_algorithms = ( "nia2", "nia0" );

  # setting 'drb_ciphering' to "no" disables ciphering for DRBs, no matter
  # what 'ciphering_algorithms' configures; same thing for 'drb_integrity'
  drb_ciphering = "yes";
  drb_integrity = "no";

     log_config :
       global_log_level                      ="info";
       hw_log_level                          ="info";
       phy_log_level                         ="info";
       mac_log_level                         ="info";
       rlc_log_level                         ="info";
       pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
       rrc_log_level                         ="info";
       ngap_log_level                         ="debug";
# env

USE_ADDITIONAL_OPTIONS=--sa --nfapi 2 --emulate-l1 --log_config.global_log_options level,time,thread_id,nocolor
echobom commented 2 years ago
$ docker exec -it l2sim-proxy bash
/oai-lte-multi-ue-proxy/bin/proxy 1 --nr
echobom commented 2 years ago
$ docker exec -it l2sim-oai-nr-ue0 bash
/opt/oai-nr-ue/bin/nr-uesoftmodem.Rel15 -O /opt/oai-nr-ue/etc/nr-ue.conf --nokrnmod 1 --nfapi 5 
--node-number 2 --sa --emulate-l1 --log_config.global_log_options level time thread_id nocolor
# cat /opt/oai-nr-ue/etc/nr-ue.conf
log_config = {
  global_log_level                      ="info";
  hw_log_level                          ="info";
  phy_log_level                         ="info";
  mac_log_level                         ="info";
  rlc_log_level                         ="info";
  pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
  rrc_log_level                         ="info";

uicc0 = {
imsi = "208990100001100";
key = "fec86ba6eb707ed08905757b1bb44b8f";
opc= "C42449363BBAD02B66D16BC975D77CC1";
dnn= "oai";

L1s = (
        num_cc = 1;
        tr_n_preference = "nfapi";
        local_n_if_name  = "ens38";
        remote_n_address = ""; //Proxy IP
        local_n_address  = "";
        local_n_portc    = 50600;
        remote_n_portc   = 50601;
        local_n_portd    = 50610;
        remote_n_portd   = 50611;

RUs = (
       local_rf       = "yes"
       nb_tx          = 1
       nb_rx          = 1
       att_tx         = 90
       att_rx         = 0;
       bands          = [7,38,42,43];
       max_pdschReferenceSignalPower = -27;
       max_rxgain                    = 125;
# env

USE_ADDITIONAL_OPTIONS=--nokrnmod 1  --nfapi 5 --node-number 2 --sa --emulate-l1 --log_config.global_log_options level,time,thread_id,nocolor
echobom commented 2 years ago
# /opt/oai-nr-ue/bin/nr-uesoftmodem.Rel15 --help
Calling sched_setscheduler(79)
CMDLINE: "/opt/oai-nr-ue/bin/nr-uesoftmodem.Rel15" "--help" 
[CONFIG] get parameters from cmdline , debug flags: 0x00400000
[CONFIG] log_config: 2/3 parameters successfully set 
[CONFIG] log_config: 55/55 parameters successfully set 
[CONFIG] log_config: 55/55 parameters successfully set 
[CONFIG] log_config: 16/16 parameters successfully set 
[CONFIG] log_config: 16/16 parameters successfully set 
log init done

-----Help for section (root section)            : 009 entries------
    --usrp-args: set the arguments to identify USRP (same syntax as in UHD)
    --single-thread-disable: Disables single-thread mode in lte-softmodem
    --dlsch-parallel: number of threads for dlsch processing 0 for no parallelization
    --offset-divisor: Divisor for computing OFDM symbol offset in Rx chain (num samples in CP/<the value>). Default value is 8. To set the sample offset to 0, set this value ~ 10e6
    --nr-dlsch-demod-shift: dynamic shift for LLR compuation for TM3/4 (default 0)
    -V: Enable VCD (generated file will is named openair_dump_eNB.vcd, read it with target/RT/USER/eNB.gtkw
    --uecap_file: path for UE Capabilities file
    --rrc_config_path: path for RRC configuration
    --ue-idx-standalone: Help string not specified

[CONFIG] (root): 29/33 parameters successfully set 

-----Help for section (root section)            : 033 entries------
    --rf-config-file: Configuration file for front-end (e.g. LMS7002M)
    --split73: Split 7.3 (below rate matching) option: <cu|du>:<remote ip address>:<remote port>    --thread-pool: Thread pool configuration: 
  default no pool (runs in calling thread),
  list of cores, comma separated (negative value is no core affinity)
  example: -1,3 launches two working threads one floating, the second set on core 3    --phy-test: test UE phy layer, mac disabled
    --do-ra: test gNB  and UE with RA procedures
    --sa: run gNB in standalone mode
    --usim-test: use XOR autentication algo in case of test usim mode
    --clock-source: tells hardware to use a clock reference (0:internal, 1:external, 2:gpsdo)
    --time-source: tells hardware to use a time reference (0:internal, 1:external, 2:gpsdo)
    --wait-for-sync: Help string not specified
    --single-thread-enable: Disables single-thread mode in lte-softmodem
    -C: Set the downlink frequency for all component carriers
    --CO: Set the uplink frequency offset for all component carriers
    -a: Channel id offset
    -d: Enable soft scope and L1 and L2 stats (Xforms)
    -q: Enable processing timing measurement of lte softmodem on per subframe basis 
    --numerology: adding numerology for 5G
    --band: band index
    --emulate-rf: Emulated RF enabled(disable by defult)
    --parallel-config: three config for level of parallelism 'PARALLEL_SINGLE_THREAD', 'PARALLEL_RU_L1_SPLIT', or 'PARALLEL_RU_L1_TRX_SPLIT'
    --worker-config: two option for worker 'WORKER_DISABLE' or 'WORKER_ENABLE'
    --noS1: Disable s1 interface
    --rfsim: Run in rf simulator mode
    --nokrnmod: (noS1 only): Use tun instead of namesh module 
    --nbiot-disable: disable nb-iot, even if defined in config
    --nsa: Enable NSA mode 
    --node-number: Help string not specified
    --usrp-tx-thread-config: having extra thead for usrp tx
    --do-prb-interpolation: Do PRB based averaging of channel estimates. Frequency domain linear interpolation by default
    --nfapi: Change the nFAPI mode for NR
    --non-stop: Go back to frame sync mode after 100 consecutive PBCH failures
    --emulate-l1: Run in L1 emulated mode (disable PHY layer)
    --continuous-tx: perform continuous transmission, even in TDD mode (to work around USRP issues)

[CONFIG] (root): 4/5 parameters successfully set 

-----Help for section (root section)            : 005 entries------
    -R: Enable online log 
    -g: Set the global log level, valid options: (4:trace, 3:debug, 2:info, 1:warn, (0:error))
    --telnetsrv: Start embedded telnet server 
    --log-mem: Help string not specified
    --telnetclt: Help string not specified

[ENB_APP]   nfapi running mode: MONOLITHIC
[CONFIG] TTracer: 4/4 parameters successfully set 

-----Help for section (root section)            : 004 entries------
    --T_port: tracer port
    --T_nowait: don't wait for tracer, start immediately
    --T_dont_fork: to ease debugging with gdb
    --T_stdout: print log messges on console

/oai-ran/common/config/config_cmdline.c:226 config_process_cmdline() Exiting OAI softmodem: [CONFIG] Exiting after displaying help
echobom commented 2 years ago
# /opt/oai-gnb/bin/nr-softmodem.Rel15 --help
CMDLINE: "/opt/oai-gnb/bin/nr-softmodem.Rel15" "--help" 
[CONFIG] get parameters from cmdline , debug flags: 0x00400000
[CONFIG] log_config: 2/3 parameters successfully set 
[CONFIG] log_config: 55/55 parameters successfully set 
[CONFIG] log_config: 55/55 parameters successfully set 
[CONFIG] log_config: 16/16 parameters successfully set 
[CONFIG] log_config: 16/16 parameters successfully set 
log init done
[HW]   # /dev/cpu_dma_latency set to 2 us
sh: 1: cannot create /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq: Directory nonexistent
sh: 1: cannot create /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq: Directory nonexistent
sh: 1: cannot create /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu2/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq: Directory nonexistent
sh: 1: cannot create /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu3/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq: Directory nonexistent
sh: 1: cannot create /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq: Directory nonexistent
sh: 1: cannot create /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu5/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq: Directory nonexistent
sh: 1: cannot create /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu6/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq: Directory nonexistent
sh: 1: cannot create /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu7/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq: Directory nonexistent
[HW]   Can't set cpu frequency
Reading in command-line options
[CONFIG] (root): 29/33 parameters successfully set 

-----Help for section (root section)            : 033 entries------
    --rf-config-file: Configuration file for front-end (e.g. LMS7002M)
    --split73: Split 7.3 (below rate matching) option: <cu|du>:<remote ip address>:<remote port>    --thread-pool: Thread pool configuration: 
  default no pool (runs in calling thread),
  list of cores, comma separated (negative value is no core affinity)
  example: -1,3 launches two working threads one floating, the second set on core 3    --phy-test: test UE phy layer, mac disabled
    --do-ra: test gNB  and UE with RA procedures
    --sa: run gNB in standalone mode
    --usim-test: use XOR autentication algo in case of test usim mode
    --clock-source: tells hardware to use a clock reference (0:internal, 1:external, 2:gpsdo)
    --time-source: tells hardware to use a time reference (0:internal, 1:external, 2:gpsdo)
    --wait-for-sync: Help string not specified
    --single-thread-enable: Disables single-thread mode in lte-softmodem
    -C: Set the downlink frequency for all component carriers
    --CO: Set the uplink frequency offset for all component carriers
    -a: Channel id offset
    -d: Enable soft scope and L1 and L2 stats (Xforms)
    -q: Enable processing timing measurement of lte softmodem on per subframe basis 
    --numerology: adding numerology for 5G
    --band: band index
    --emulate-rf: Emulated RF enabled(disable by defult)
    --parallel-config: three config for level of parallelism 'PARALLEL_SINGLE_THREAD', 'PARALLEL_RU_L1_SPLIT', or 'PARALLEL_RU_L1_TRX_SPLIT'
    --worker-config: two option for worker 'WORKER_DISABLE' or 'WORKER_ENABLE'
    --noS1: Disable s1 interface
    --rfsim: Run in rf simulator mode
    --nokrnmod: (noS1 only): Use tun instead of namesh module 
    --nbiot-disable: disable nb-iot, even if defined in config
    --nsa: Enable NSA mode 
    --node-number: Help string not specified
    --usrp-tx-thread-config: having extra thead for usrp tx
    --do-prb-interpolation: Do PRB based averaging of channel estimates. Frequency domain linear interpolation by default
    --nfapi: Change the nFAPI mode for NR
    --non-stop: Go back to frame sync mode after 100 consecutive PBCH failures
    --emulate-l1: Run in L1 emulated mode (disable PHY layer)
    --continuous-tx: perform continuous transmission, even in TDD mode (to work around USRP issues)

[CONFIG] (root): 4/5 parameters successfully set 

-----Help for section (root section)            : 005 entries------
    -R: Enable online log 
    -g: Set the global log level, valid options: (4:trace, 3:debug, 2:info, 1:warn, (0:error))
    --telnetsrv: Start embedded telnet server 
    --log-mem: Help string not specified
    --telnetclt: Help string not specified

[ENB_APP]   nfapi running mode: MONOLITHIC

-----Help for section (root section)            : 013 entries------
    --single-thread-disable: Disables single-thread mode in lte-softmodem
    -A: Set timing_advance
    -E: Apply three-quarter of sampling frequency, 23.04 Msps to reduce the data rate on USB/PCIe transfers (only valid for 20 MHz)
    -m: Set the downlink MCS for PHYTEST mode
    -l: Set the downlink nrOfLayers for PHYTEST mode
    -t: Set the uplink MCS for PHYTEST mode
    -M: Set the number of PRBs used for DLSCH in PHYTEST mode
    -T: Set the number of PRBs used for ULSCH in PHYTEST mode
    -D: Bitmap for DLSCH slots (slot 0 starts at LSB)
    -U: Bitmap for ULSCH slots (slot 0 starts at LSB)
    --usrp-tx-thread-config: having extra thead for usrp tx
    --uecap_file: path for UE Capabilities file
    -s: Set average SNR in dB (for --siml1 option)

[GNB_APP]   Getting GNBSParams
[CONFIG] (root): 1/2 parameters successfully set 

-----Help for section (root section)            : 002 entries------
    --Asn1_verbosity: Help string not specified
    --Active_gNBs: Help string not specified

/oai-ran/common/config/config_cmdline.c:226 config_process_cmdline() Exiting OAI softmodem: [CONFIG] Exiting after displaying help