echofox-team / echofon-firefox-unofficial

Echofon Unofficial - maintained version of Echofon: full featured, super clean Twitter app for Firefox.
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Publish the add-on on AMO #3

Open AntoineTurmel opened 9 years ago

AntoineTurmel commented 9 years ago

Depends on #1 to avoid Copyright infringement of Echofon trademark...

ath0mas commented 8 years ago

We should try to publish even an alpha version to go through AMO checks at least once before true release? To give an idea, I got early blockers in a similar "rename/republish signed" process for another addon, while I sent nearly unchanged addon compared to the original one available in AMO pages

ath0mas commented 8 years ago

Testing latest XPI 2.5.4 in Validation tool gave these results:

The validation process found these issues that can lead to rejections:
* Compiled binaries, as well as minified or obfuscated scripts (excluding known libraries) need to have their sources submitted separately for review. Make sure that you use the source code upload field to avoid having your submission rejected.
* Access to the 'ctypes' global

and full report:

* General: 1 warning (about dll)
* Security: ok
* Extensions: 33 warnings (half about 'ctypes'), 1 note
* Localization: ok
* Compatibility: ok
bylokk commented 8 years ago

How can we solve this validation problem?

YoruNoHikage commented 8 years ago

We have to rewrite binaries with another Twitter secret key and submit the source code with the addon. I don't know if accessing ctypes global will make this addon rejected but there are alternatives to it.

ath0mas commented 8 years ago

What about a new overlay for each user to enter his/her own Twitter secret key? To remove dll now once and for all :smirk:

YoruNoHikage commented 8 years ago

It kills the UX. It's better to have a default hidden secret key (for users) that can be rewritten (for advanced users).

ath0mas commented 8 years ago

I agree, even if for this dll/ctypes part I can not help much

No contribution since weeks and we are running out of time Firefox will force extension signing soon:

* Firefox 40-42: warn about signatures
* Firefox 43: signature enforcement can be disabled with a preference
* Firefox 46: Release and Beta versions do not allow unsigned extensions
* ESR: preference to disable enforcement

So, important Firefox milestones are version 43 (2015-12-15) and ultimately version 46 (2016-04-19)

ath0mas commented 8 years ago

My suggestion was already in #8 Dialog for user defined keys

ath0mas commented 8 years ago

Ping @echofox-team/core and community for quick decisions and contributions please :pray:

gizmecano commented 8 years ago

I think @ath0mas is quite right to start worrying about delay, but as I am not really comfortable with this part of programming hassle, it seems difficult for me to give constructive elements of answer. I really hope the core staff will have more positive feedbacks soon.

AntoineTurmel commented 8 years ago

I agree with @ath0mas suggestion. But I guess XUL add-ons all have dead ends because Mozilla wants to deprecate them.

bylokk commented 8 years ago

The only reason why I still use Firefox (and not Chrome) is the usage of XUL add-ons. I think a lot of people have a similar preference and Mozilla may have to accept that.

Nehemoth commented 8 years ago

In my case, I will use Firefox over any other browser because the customization support. Maybe will try Vivendi new browser

YoruNoHikage commented 8 years ago

@bylokk Why XUL and not HTML ?

bylokk commented 8 years ago

I'm just a user and not a dev. So that's a decision I cannot influence.

heavyoak commented 8 years ago

I was just about to ask if you guys had a fix for this. 43 is live and echofon (echofox sound like a good rename) is perm-disabled with firefox demanding that I remove it.

from my point of view, add-on siging is a bad thing and is only going to lead to devs not being able to publish any work.

back to the problem at hadn, fake it. rename if needed but fake what ever the AMO is after and push an update. even if it never sees the "official" add-on page, at least the addon will still work.

YoruNoHikage commented 8 years ago

I'm going to take a look, we have to do this before 44 go live.

YoruNoHikage commented 8 years ago

I just sent a test to review, it's already signed, it should work for everyone. I don't know if Mozilla will manually review it. We could distribute it through GitHub while looking for solutions about binaries. Here's the XPIs (I don't know if it's really platform dependant), replace zip with xpi.

I deleted the old XPIs, here's the updated one (we're still working on it, but it works :) ) :

EDIT : please, do not create a release with this as it is a test with some code failing (coming from my own repo).

Nehemoth commented 8 years ago

Can not seems to complete the connection to tweeter when adding an account. Brings the OAuth screen in blank. The remove ads menu should be remove altogether.

YoruNoHikage commented 8 years ago

Don't forget to disable Echofon as I change the name for Echofox. The OAuth screen is working for me and we don't have ads menu anymore (while still in code, but that's another problem).

AntoineTurmel commented 8 years ago

Linux build works good for me :+1:

YoruNoHikage commented 8 years ago

Yeay, here's my proposal :

kalinda99 commented 8 years ago

Ok, it's working for me, too, after my mix-up about not being sure about how to install it. But it's great, thank you very much for this! Like the new name, too.

ath0mas commented 8 years ago

about @YoruNoHikage proposal, and to my mind:

  1. 38 can wait for another release

  2. I agree for install file ; what about EULA, copyrights and so with mentions to Echofon / UberMedia / Kazuho Okui / naan studio ... in other files?
  3. release alpha versions for 2.6 on GitHub, to follow those changes and be able to check in AMO Validation Tool
  4. create an Echofox-team account on AMO, share login/pwd with @echofox-team/core to send 2.6 when ready asap?

Important to know: AMO currently publishes new addons very quickly (2-3 days max) as soon as there is no validation problem, but once published, next versions sent will take normal delay (5-7+ weeks :fearful: ... for example, currently 177 addons in review queue)

YoruNoHikage commented 8 years ago

I'm afraid publishing the add-on as-is publicly will lead to be rejected as the binaries source code isn't available... But we could try. I'm creating a new pull request to discuss install file changes. For the echofox-team account on AMO (why AMO actually ? I thought it was Add-On Mozilla :laughing: ), could you create it ?

ath0mas commented 8 years ago

Addons.Mozilla.Org :)

ath0mas commented 8 years ago

You told you signed previous xpi/Zip files Through mozilla API? So, thinking about not publishing on AMO, and only creating releases on GitHub with signed XPI by our side?

YoruNoHikage commented 8 years ago

Signed it on AMO ;) but I think publishing on it means manual review for which Echofox will surely be rejected (but we can try). That's why I said :

We could distribute it through GitHub while looking for solutions about binaries.

Nehemoth commented 8 years ago

Downloaded the file again, drap & drop to add-on Window on Firefox, restarted Firefox.

Open up the add-on (which still appears as echofon to me) add Account... and the OAuth with Twitter appears, in Blank as the image attached. Firefox 43.0.1 x64 on Windows 10 Build 15586.36 As someone mentioned that maybe has something to do with the old version installed it on another machine with Firefox, a virtual machine in which this add on hasn't been installed before. Firefox 42 32bits on Windows XP SP3, same result.

As this could be a network issue not loading the webpage asked a friend to do it Firefox 42 32Bits on Windows 7 Home x64 Same result

What I'm doing wrong here?

PD: When choosing from the add on toolbar the icon appears as echofon, the same when you hover over..


YoruNoHikage commented 8 years ago

Oh right, I just created a new profile, and had this bug. I have an idea why and I think it's related with what we are doing in #39. When we're sure our "alpha" works, we're going to repost some XPIs. Thanks for discovering this before the release ! :P For now, adding accounts will not be possible.

kalinda99 commented 8 years ago

Hmm ok, I'm having issues now, too. It was working, but now it's stopped updating my feed and It's only showing tweets from 6 hours ago, and even then it only does that if I switch over to a different tab in the side bar, otherwise my feed is empty. Also the close button on the sidebar no longer works, though closing it by pressing the Echofox button does.

I didn't start with a new profile, I'm using my old one.

YoruNoHikage commented 8 years ago

Can you test the new alpha in #39 ? @Nehemoth @kalinda99 Since it is the code from this repo, closing button now fully works. ;)

Nehemoth commented 8 years ago

Testing at work. Working like a Charm. Firefox 43.0.1 x64 on Windows 7 x64 SP1. Will test @home ASAP

Awesome Job guys

kalinda99 commented 8 years ago

Yup, working great now! Thanks!

gizmecano commented 8 years ago

According to the comment made by @ath0mas (third point), I suppose issue #30 has to be considered here.