echofox-team / echofon-firefox-unofficial

Echofon Unofficial - maintained version of Echofon: full featured, super clean Twitter app for Firefox.
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Not working with recent nightlies #36

Closed perge closed 8 years ago

perge commented 8 years ago

For the last couple of months or so, text has disappeared from all tweets (in the timeline, mentions, lists and search panes; only avatars show up there. The private messages pane shows up OK. The same goes with chrome://echofon/content/user-view.xul?screen_name=SCREENNAME.

Something to do with fonts? I tried setting alternatives to "System Default" family, without any success.

Could it have to do with this?

YoruNoHikage commented 8 years ago

Well, I just compared between Firefox stable and developer's versions. It seems that in the XUL element containing the tweet, there is a <description> tag on stable but <xul:description> on developer edition. It must crash when trying to get an undefined element. I'll try to get some time to investigate this.

YoruNoHikage commented 8 years ago

Fixed on #37.

perge commented 8 years ago

Great, thanks!