echofox-team / echofon-firefox-unofficial

Echofon Unofficial - maintained version of Echofon: full featured, super clean Twitter app for Firefox.
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Update install.rdf for publishing #39

Closed YoruNoHikage closed 8 years ago

YoruNoHikage commented 8 years ago

As I was saying on #3, we have to change some info for publishing.

First, ID, I change it to echofox@echofox-team since we do not have any domain/mail. Second, the name, well it's Echofox, no problem here. Third, version : 2.6 seems right to me since it's not a major release but not just a fix.

What about the rest ? Any thoughts ?

ath0mas commented 8 years ago

I pushed similar commit to my fork at the same time ^^

We should add commits to this branch and when ready to merge, squash them all into a single one

YoruNoHikage commented 8 years ago


ath0mas commented 8 years ago

echofox@echofox-team or for <em:id>?

YoruNoHikage commented 8 years ago

Did you see ? So, nope ! xD

ath0mas commented 8 years ago

Alright :laughing:

YoruNoHikage commented 8 years ago

Ah seems better than the other, just signed a new version ! Let's try it ! (don't need to be OS-specific actually)

ath0mas commented 8 years ago

Working fine. I just figured out how you sign it on AMO without review process :p

ath0mas commented 8 years ago

We changed addon uuid but was it really necessary? If we go on with it, we should rename Echofon to Echofox everywhere in code, migrate welcome.xul and remove subscribe? but registered app for key when connecting to Twitter to add acount is "Echofon, by naan studio"... + /echofon prefixes, synchronisation system, etc.

YoruNoHikage commented 8 years ago

Same UUID causes validation fail, so we have to change it. For the rest, well, it's just about copyright and stuff we wanted to change before...

ath0mas commented 8 years ago

Ok, so I would suggest not "altering" more original addon: keep Echofon identity everywhere, and set Echofox/Echofox Team only as maintainers

YoruNoHikage commented 8 years ago

I agree but don't you think it would be better to have "Echofon Unofficial" as the name ? Since UUID is different, installing the new version will not replace the old one !

ath0mas commented 8 years ago

Ping @echofox-team/core for name again ^^ see @YoruNoHikage question ahead

ath0mas commented 8 years ago

Original name was "Echofon for Firefox" ; so I suggest "Echofon for Firefox - unofficial"

YoruNoHikage commented 8 years ago

A bit long... Just saying :-°

YoruNoHikage commented 8 years ago

Well, time has flown and Firefox 44 is here, breaking stuff fixed with #36, so we have to make a release, preferably signed. So, we should go for Echofon Unofficial (simpler is better !) and echofon-unofficial@echofox-team as ID.

Can you change this, maybe squash commits and merge ? Do you have time to do this ?

ath0mas commented 8 years ago

I should have time to do it later today

ath0mas commented 8 years ago

Squashed commits and merged. Are we ready to tag version 2.6, sign XPI and create a release on GitHub with all that?

ath0mas commented 8 years ago

... I may have made a mistake, trying signing from AMO pages I started "submit a new addon", checked "do not list on this website" (step 2), and stopped at step 3 but now, it is listed in "My addons" page, and "delete" button tells me:

Deleting your add-on will permanently remove it from the site and prevent its GUID from being submitted again, even by you.

(not yet deleted)

I may have blacklisted GUID echofon-unofficial@echofox-team ? :disappointed:

Will we be able to sign addon with each of our personal accounts? or should we create a shared account on AMO for @echofox-team/core?

YoruNoHikage commented 8 years ago

We should test and sign before releasing/tagging it on GitHub. I'm on it !

EDIT : oh damn... We should totally create a shared account.

ath0mas commented 8 years ago

@YoruNoHikage Chat on gitter?

YoruNoHikage commented 8 years ago
