echofox-team / echofon-firefox-unofficial

Echofon Unofficial - maintained version of Echofon: full featured, super clean Twitter app for Firefox.
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Display "comment" retweets #47

Open TigerNightmare opened 8 years ago

TigerNightmare commented 8 years ago

The original Echofon didn't support this, as it's a relatively new feature where through the Twitter website, retweeting is a two step process:

  1. Click on the retweet icon.
  2. Click the retweet button that appears with an option to add a comment into a text form.

If nothing is typed into the comment space, it just retweets as normal. But if there is a comment, it shows up in Echofon as the comment, followed by a direct link to the tweet. I can confirm that just pasting a tweet link after some text into Echofon will produce the same result that will display properly on the Twitter website. As it is now, half of the people I follow retweet stuff this way and I have to click on a link every time to understand context. commentrt

Fixing this should replace the old "Retweet with Comment" option that just copies the original tweet but leaves you little space to say anything, if at all.

I love that this is being developed, so thanks for keeping it alive.

YoruNoHikage commented 8 years ago

Yeah, we could do this in two steps :

But thanks for the issue, it helps :)