I have installed zkui_win_20160203.
I ran zkui application but after I enter host/port/user/pass I get the following error:
connect() failed: err=Connection time-out, traceback=[' File "D:\work\myware\zkui\WebWindow.py", line 175, in jsZkConnect\n', ' File "D:\work\python\Python34\lib\site-packages\kazoo\client.py", line 546, in start\n']
This should be a network problem or the zookeeper server is down. When you can't open a webpage, it's probably not the problem of the browser, try to check the network and website server first.
I have installed zkui_win_20160203. I ran zkui application but after I enter host/port/user/pass I get the following error: connect() failed: err=Connection time-out, traceback=[' File "D:\work\myware\zkui\WebWindow.py", line 175, in jsZkConnect\n', ' File "D:\work\python\Python34\lib\site-packages\kazoo\client.py", line 546, in start\n']
Thanks, Bianca H