Well, I've installed the echoprint-server in ubuntu but I am facing a problem with the accuracy recogniction.
For example i've downladed the following sound:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-0MXklxHlQ in 11025Hz, Mono, 16 bits. I've generated a echoprint codegen (40 secs) and then I uploaded it succesfully to my echoprint server.
After that, I download a new sound (another video but with the same sound):
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtS22a-UrA8 also in 11025Hz, Mono, 16 bits. Then I've generated a echoprint codegen (40 secs) and then I sent a GET request to my server, but it doesnt match :(
Then, I made a last test. I've generated an ENMFP codegen with the second sound (about 70 secs) and I sent the fp_code to Echonest API Server and they detected the artist and the track name.
So How can I improve the accuracy?, I want to implement a echoprint-server and recognize sounds.
Hi Team,
Well, I've installed the echoprint-server in ubuntu but I am facing a problem with the accuracy recogniction.
For example i've downladed the following sound: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-0MXklxHlQ in 11025Hz, Mono, 16 bits. I've generated a echoprint codegen (40 secs) and then I uploaded it succesfully to my echoprint server.
After that, I download a new sound (another video but with the same sound): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtS22a-UrA8 also in 11025Hz, Mono, 16 bits. Then I've generated a echoprint codegen (40 secs) and then I sent a GET request to my server, but it doesnt match :(
Then, I made a last test. I've generated an ENMFP codegen with the second sound (about 70 secs) and I sent the fp_code to Echonest API Server and they detected the artist and the track name.
So How can I improve the accuracy?, I want to implement a echoprint-server and recognize sounds.
Could you please shed some light here?.
Thanks in advance