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Sublime Text #2

Open echopi opened 8 years ago

echopi commented 8 years ago

less2css on subl3

  1. install Package Control
  2. install Less2Css
  3. npm install less -gd
  4. npm install -g less-plugin-clean-css (optional)
  5. npm install -g less-plugin-autoprefix (optional)


echopi commented 7 years ago

eslint plugin on subl3

  1. npm install eslint -g --registry=
  2. npm install babel-eslint -g --registry=
  3. install SublimeLinter via Package Control
  4. intall SublimeLinter-contrib-eslint via Package Control
  5. config .eslintrc under root of the project
echopi commented 7 years ago

hot keys

echopi commented 7 years ago

how to insert sequences