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Alta apartments registration viewable by cops #119

Open Stainedrug1 opened 1 year ago

Stainedrug1 commented 1 year ago

Suggestion Description Alta Apartments registration viewable by police (Bob Jones - Apartment 23) by /rentedapartments or something along those lines. Additionally, no one in PD seems to know how/if we can breach said apartments if they are locked. If that's not implemented that would obviously go hand in hand with the apartment list.

Reason This will allow a easier way for Police to be able to view Alta Apartments and who they are registered to. Right now all we see is random IDs that dont really make sense on how we link them to the person. Its just random numbers. In terms of chasing someone during a hot pursuit, as it stands now, once they are in, they are gone. They used to to be linked to the "Magic number". If implemented, police would be able to breach the apartment instead of just having to stage up and sit there for however long until either the person comes out, or we give up and make the ticket. I believe if it were easier to ID the apartment in a hot pursuit case, or Search warrant case, it would make the IC process a lot easier instead of having to use the OOC ticket route.

Additional context will prevent the LQRP of "Lemme hide out in my apartment because da police cant get me" More RP, less tickets :D

Stainedrug01 commented 1 year ago

Also now with wipe, will allow police to raid apartments since homes wont be a thing for a bit i assume