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Replace me with a brief and clear title describing the bug #430

Open Trixxx214 opened 11 months ago

Trixxx214 commented 11 months ago

Random items on the floor

hello so this happened to me more than once where i find an insane amount of an item on the floor that is physicailly impossible to be dropped by a player for example i just found 250 ore on the floor in the middle of AE also happened a week ago at paleto same item

No F8 Errors

Screenshot(s)/Video(s): If possible, add screenshots or videos to help explain your problem. image_2023-07-19_083004877

Kevbroseph commented 11 months ago

I don't think they are random perce. I was hunting in the woods and found 1 microwave, 2 TVs, and a statue by my decoy. Next time I went to my decoy there was only a Microwave. So my guess is some how the dround inventory is somehow being linked to another location where the inventory is shared.