I ran the following code and got the following error:
import 'package:network_tools/network_tools.dart';
import '../example_utils.dart';
Future<void> main() async {
await configureNetworkTools('build');
String subnet = '192.168.1'; //Default network id for home networks
final interface = await NetInterface.localInterface();
// final netId = interface?.networkId;
// if (netId != null) {
// subnet = netId;
// examplesLogger.fine('subnet id $subnet');
// }
// [New] Scan for a single open port in a subnet
// You can set [firstHostId] and scan will start from this host in the network.
// Similarly set [lastHostId] and scan will end at this host in the network.
final stream2 = HostScannerService.instance.scanDevicesForSinglePort(
progressCallback: (progress) {
examplesLogger.finer('Progress for port discovery on host : $progress');
(ActiveHost activeHost) {
.fine('[scanDevicesForSinglePort]: Found device : $activeHost');
final OpenPort deviceWithOpenPort = activeHost.openPorts[0];
if (deviceWithOpenPort.isOpen) {
'[scanDevicesForSinglePort]: Found open port: ${deviceWithOpenPort.port} on ${activeHost.address}',
onDone: () {
examplesLogger.fine('Port Scan completed');
); // Don't forget to cancel the stream when not in use.
// String target = '';
// final addr = interface?.ipAddress;
// if (addr != null) {
// target = addr;
// examplesLogger.fine("Target is $target");
// }
// PortScannerService.instance.scanPortsForSingleDevice(
// target,
// // Scan will start from this port.
// // startPort: 1,
// endPort: 9400,
// progressCallback: (progress) {
// examplesLogger.finer('Progress for port discovery : $progress');
// },
// ).listen(
// (activeHost) {
// final OpenPort deviceWithOpenPort = activeHost.openPorts[0];
// if (deviceWithOpenPort.isOpen) {
// examplesLogger.fine(
// 'Found open port: ${deviceWithOpenPort.port} on device $target',
// );
// }
// },
// onDone: () {
// examplesLogger.fine('Port Scan from 1 to 9400 completed');
// },
// );
I ran the following code and got the following error:
At first I thought it was a codepage problem, but I still reported this error after changing the code below:
In file lib/src/services/impls/host_scanner_service_impl.dart Line 110 change
Ping(host, count: 1, timeout: timeoutInSeconds)
toPing(host, count: 1, timeout: timeoutInSeconds,forceCodepage: true)