ecleese / plexWatchWeb

A web front-end for plexWatch.
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Create .gitignore #140

Closed olimortimer closed 9 years ago

olimortimer commented 9 years ago

Gitignore for .htaccess, .htpasswd and config/config.php files

Arcanemagus commented 9 years ago

Thanks! I kept meaning to do this but kept getting interrupted with code :stuck_out_tongue:.

Arcanemagus commented 9 years ago

Okay... really need to watch the branch before merging things. For now I guess that will have to stay since reverting it will just be more commits to master and it doesn't harm anything.

olimortimer commented 9 years ago

Did you want it into the dev branch instead?

Arcanemagus commented 9 years ago

Yea, the dev branch is massively ahead of the master branch, when we have 1.7.0 ready we will be (finally) bringing master up to date. I think I can just merge this commit into the dev branch and call it good though.

Usually when a project has a dev branch they like PR's to be submitted against that, allowing testing before being pushed to the master branch. As I said before this commit has no effect on the actual project so I don't think it's an issue leaving it in master.