ecleese / plexWatchWeb

A web front-end for plexWatch.
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A couple of small changes to better handle complex passwords #153

Closed caelor closed 9 years ago

caelor commented 9 years ago

These changes add escaping to saving username and password to the config file, and also use separate username and password fields when authenticating to MyPlex, so CURL doesn't corrupt complex passwords.

Arcanemagus commented 9 years ago

All development work is being done on the dev branch, which currently does not save either the username or password. Thanks for looking into this though!

caelor commented 9 years ago

Thanks, for the response. I'd done pulls for both branches, as some (most?) users may be using the current master and may be restricted from using some characters in their passwords without these fixes on master - this was then available as a potential bugfix against the release if that was the case.

Arcanemagus commented 9 years ago

As soon as v1.7.0 ( is ready that will be released as the next master. There hasn't been a release to master in a very long time, I'm pretty sure it doesn't actually work with current Plex servers (and definitely doesn't if HTTPS is set to Require).

I would rather users be on the dev branch than supporting master.