ecleese / plexWatchWeb

A web front-end for plexWatch.
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Images for shows/movies not appearing with Plex Home #165

Closed AevumDecessus closed 7 years ago

AevumDecessus commented 8 years ago

Using plexWatchWeb with a server on another server, I am currently unable to see any pictures for shows/movies under recently added, watching now, etc. Inspecting the page, I see that it's receiving HTTP 500 errors for the images

GET 500 (Internal Server Error)

Examining the apache logs, I find the following errors:

[Fri Aug 07 15:16:03.006746 2015] PHP Fatal error:  Failed to retrieve "" in /usr/local/www/apache24/data/includes/img.php on line 28, referer:

Where is the IP that the plex server is running on, and is the IP that PlexWatch and PlexWatch/Web are running on.

Server: Freebsd 10.1-RELEASE Webserver: Apache 2.4 plexWatch Version: v0.3.3-DEV plexWatch/Web Version: 1.7.0

Arcanemagus commented 8 years ago

Did you change your Plex password?

AevumDecessus commented 8 years ago

Fresh install of the server and plexwatch. I changed my password when the breach happened but it hasn't changed since then.

Arcanemagus commented 8 years ago

Was it working before and just suddenly stopped? Are there any firewalls between the two machines that might be blocking it?

AevumDecessus commented 8 years ago

I just found and installed plexWatch and plexWatch/Web for the first time, I have yet to see the images successfully.

There are no firewalls between the 2 boxes.

Arcanemagus commented 8 years ago

My guess is that your password is incorrect in the settings of plexWatchWeb, unfortunately it looks like it logs the same error message for invalid authentication, and an actual failure so I can't be sure.

If you remove the config.php file that was generated and save the settings again do they save successfully with your user/pass?

AevumDecessus commented 8 years ago

I deleted the config/config.php file, plexWatch/Web prompted me to set up the settings again, enter the fields for DB location, server location, plex username/password, and it saved successfully, including the plexAuthToken, It shows currently playing shows, information about what's on the plex server, and history, but still does not show images.

Arcanemagus commented 8 years ago

If you try to open the following link in a browser (On a different machine than the Plex server!) what do you get?

Replace "putYourTokenHere" with a valid token of course :wink:.

AevumDecessus commented 8 years ago

That returns an HTTP 404 after an SSL certificate error (Server's certificate does not match the url).

If I modify the token value to a random value, it does return a HTTP 401 as it should as well.

smokeofc commented 8 years ago

I also have this problem. I have two computers running this plexwatch towards two servers, on one it works perfectly, on the other it doesn't show pictures.

JigSawFr commented 8 years ago

Same problem with a docker image on the same machine, all is working but not images

[Wed Dec 02 00:57:14.471765 2015] [:error] [pid 38] [client XXXX] PHP Warning:  file_get_contents(https://myplexserver:900/photo/:/transcode?url= failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\r\n in /var/www/html/plexWatch/includes/img.php on line 10, referer: http://myplexserver:900/plexWatch/index.php

If i enter directly link in browser, i get 401 Unauthorized

Arcanemagus commented 8 years ago

Removed the token from the log line, as it could be used to gain unfettered access to your server if it is a valid token :stuck_out_tongue:.

@JigSawFr neither the current dev or master should produce an error message like that, looks like you might still be on an older version of the dev branch?

JigSawFr commented 8 years ago

@Arcanemagus oups sorry for token haha ! So, i've found why, i'm on plexWatch/Web Version: v1.5.4.2 & plexWatch Version: v0.3.3-DEV And images have all an harcoded url in php files, an so many repeating lines \o/ It's better to use pmsIP params than (not reachable for me)

Arcanemagus commented 8 years ago

The dev branch handles images entirely different than the master that you are currently on (for one thing the token is sent as a header instead of in the URL).

justinriddoch commented 7 years ago

I am having the same issue, the error I get when I right click and select 'View Image' on one of the Artwork locations is:

The image “myPlexWatchServer/plexWatch/includes/img.php?img=myPlexServer%2Fphoto%2F%3A%2Ftranscode%3Furl%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%3A20897%2Flibrary%2Fmetadata%2F17439%2Fthumb%2F1482617701%26width%3D256%26height%3D352” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.

I tried decoding the URL and typing that into a browser and I got the same error:

The image “myPlexWatchServer/plexWatch/includes/img.php?img=myPlexServer/photo/:/transcode?url=” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.

Arcanemagus commented 7 years ago

@justinriddoch all development here has been stopped, please switch over to PlexPy for your server monitoring needs!