ecleese / plexWatchWeb

A web front-end for plexWatch.
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php5-sqlite is not installed. Please install this requirement and restart your webserver before continuing. #178

Open enaba opened 8 years ago

enaba commented 8 years ago


I have finished installing everyting using this video and everything is done by the book

in the end i am getting php5-sqlite is not installed. Please install this requirement and restart your webserver before continuing.

any idea how to fix it

Arcanemagus commented 8 years ago

I would highly recommend you check out, PHP is not the best platform for something like this as you really need a persisitent service.

That being said if I had to guess I would say your php.ini doesn't have that module enabled, check (Or Google) for instructions on how to enable it.

FooBarTrixibell commented 7 years ago

If you are on a Fedora/Centos based OS then install php-pdo as that package contains the php5-sqlite library