ecleese / plexWatchWeb

A web front-end for plexWatch.
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Enhancement: Add support for multiple Plex Servers #76

Open SpacialDrift opened 10 years ago

SpacialDrift commented 10 years ago

I'd like to see the ability to include data pulls from multiple plex servers. IE, I have one content type stored on one dedicated Plex machine, and another content type on a second dedicated machine. I'd like to be able to pull data from both of these machines into a single unified interface. While I may be able to hack my way through creating this type of an effect directly in the source files, I'd like to see this as an officially supported option in later releases. Perhaps up to 5 supported Plex Servers per installation of plexWatch and plexWatchWeb (all with the same user credentials).

Great product!

choakem commented 10 years ago

SpacialDrift - Excellent idea - I would love to see this implemented too if its possible...

raidancampbell commented 9 years ago

I also think that this would be useful

Arcanemagus commented 9 years ago

How would you want this implemented?

All data merged together, if you drill down far enough it goes to the individual server? A dropdown at the top that allows you to specify the current server?

raidancampbell commented 9 years ago

I'd opt for the former: one central location --I think the point of PW/PWW is to focus on the media and content, not necessarily the servers on which the media and content is hosted