Open adwaitchuri opened 2 years ago
Kindly update on this behavior and alternative steps!
Hi @adwaitchuri,
Thank you for raising the issue !!
The issue has been reproduced in the latest version of the package explorer. We will keep you informed about the updates.
Bug when clicked on “Check, validate and fix.."
AASX Version - aasx-package-explorer.2022-05-10
To Reproduce We have introduced DataSpecification for the properties in AAS. On completing the AAS design when we perform “Check, validate and fix..”, we are seeing various errors which can’t be corrected using “Fix Issue!”.
The common errors are 1] XML: 293, 14: The element 'submodelElementCollection' in namespace '' has invalid child element 'ordered' in namespace ''. List of possible elements expected: 'embeddedDataSpecification, value' in namespace ''. 2] XML: 1385, 28: The 'type' attribute is invalid - The value '' is invalid according to its datatype 'String' - The Enumeration constraint failed. 3] XML: 1647, 44: The '' element is invalid - The value 'INTEGER_MEASURE' is invalid according to its datatype '' - The Enumeration constraint failed. 4] JSON: 2750,3: ArrayItemNotValid: #/conceptDescriptions[1] { NotAllOf: #/conceptDescriptions[1] { } { ArrayItemNotValid: #/conceptDescriptions[1].embeddedDataSpecifications[0] { PropertyRequired: #/conceptDescriptions[1].embeddedDataSpecifications[0].dataSpecificationContent } } { } }