eclipse-aaspe / package-explorer

AASX Package Explorer
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"Add presets" not working #182

Open foprs opened 3 months ago

foprs commented 3 months ago

Describe the bug "Add presets" leads to an error message.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to Extension -> 'add preset' for a model element with HasExtension (e.g., Concept Description)
  2. See error "JSON file for IReferable.extension presets notd defined nor existing ()."

Expected behavior Presets for extensions can be loaded as specified in in the extension-presets.json

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Desktop (please complete the following information):


juileetikekar commented 3 months ago

Hi @foprs,

Thank you for raising the issue !!

The issue was reproduced successfully with the release! The issue seems to be with the releases. The released executable is not able to read or find "extensions-preset.json" file, even though it is present. However, if we try to run the application from the code, it works fine.

We'll investigate further and keep you informed.

MichaelHoffmeisterFesto commented 1 month ago


for my current branch name: MIHO/Post_XMAS2023_Bugfixes this function seems to work. As far as I remember, in some installations, this line was was missing in the "options-debug.json":

"ExtensionsPresetFile": "extension-presets.json",

@Jui, @martafullen: Could you check?