eclipse-aaspe / package-explorer

AASX Package Explorer
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Getting a AASX W JSON format is NOT possible #72

Open siulzurc opened 3 years ago

siulzurc commented 3 years ago


I use the AASX Package Explorer 2021-02-18.alpha version and work on a 64-bit Windows 7 and 10 machine. I tried to convert any AASX XML sample to an AASX W JSON format, given the error code shown below.

How should I get this format? I tried with all the examples on the server (, but the same error and the XML format are still not changed. Even creating a new model with AASX W JSON format is not possible.

Expected results: I expect to get an AASX in a W JSON format

Actual Results: When saving the AASX file to AASX W JSON format, a file with XML format is saved, and an error message is returned in the log [1]

[1]Error: while backing up AASX local file: D:\Users\salazar\Desktop\Luis Cruz TUM\Software 2021\AAS software tools\model tests\model5.aasx buffered to: C:\Users\TUM\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpD052.aasx: While temporarily close and re-open AASX C:\Users\TUM\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpD052.aasx at \AdminShellPackageEnv.cs:line 911 gave: Could not find a part of the path 'D:\Users\salazar\Desktop\Luis Cruz TUM\Software 2021\AAS software tools\backup\backup000.aasx'. While temporarily close and re-open AASX C:\Users\TUM\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpD052.aasx at \AdminShellPackageEnv.cs:line 911 gave: Could not find a part of the path 'D:\Users\salazar\Desktop\Luis Cruz TUM\Software 2021\AAS software tools\backup\backup000.aasx'. at at AdminShellNS.AdminShellPackageEnv.TemporarilySaveCloseAndReOpenPackage(Action lambda) in D:\a\aasx-package-explorer\aasx-package-explorer\src\AasxCsharpLibrary\AdminShellPackageEnv.cs:line 915 at AasxWpfControlLibrary.PackageCentral.PackageContainerBuffered.BackupInDir(String backupDir, Int32 maxFiles, BackupType backupType) in D:\a\aasx-package-explorer\aasx-package-explorer\src\AasxWpfControlLibrary\PackageCentral\PackageContainerBuffered.cs:line 105.

STUBA-rupr commented 3 years ago

I realized same issue when I tried to prepare an aasx w JSON for I managed to export an assx w JSON by changing source code by setting prefFmt = SerializationFormat.Json

I still need to validate the final aasx package, because I can open it by NOVAAS tool, but I could not subscribe a value.

juileetikekar commented 5 months ago

duplicate of #86, #162, #180