Closed FroMage closed 11 years ago
I'd say yes, otherwise you'd have to handle vote stuffing and such
What about a star/unstar system like github repo ?
star/unstar is different because it's about following modules. It is a very good idea though, but we should open another issue. This one is about rating modules.
@FroMage for this issue, there is few months old pull request #111
Very good point. Can you rebase/review/test it please? It looks good to me but I didn't run it, and I suspect it needs a line in db/update-X.sql
Done (rebased and added some fixes and improvements)
OK that looks good. I wouldn't have put the score in the comment form myself, but I guess this forces people to add a comment at the same time, which is useful. The right close arrow doesn't do anything though, is this normal?
The right close arrow doesn't do anything though, is this normal?
It cancel/annul your current module rating. (set number of stars to zero). Maybe better icon or description.
It doesn't do anything in my case.
Interesting. Which browser? I tested it on chrome 26 and firefox 20.
Chrome 24. What's supposed to happen when I press it? The current stars remain the same.
It should unstar current rating. All stars should be empty.
OK fixed. It was because Chrome 24 does not let you register JS handlers on CSS-generated content.
Let users rate modules (or versions?). Not sure if we need them to be logged in…