eclipse-archived / ceylon.formatter

A formatter for the Ceylon programming language, written in Ceylon.
Apache License 2.0
14 stars 11 forks source link

Bogus directory structure when formatting multiple directories #116

Closed lucaswerkmeister closed 9 years ago

lucaswerkmeister commented 9 years ago
ceylon run ceylon.formatter/1.1.1 source/ceylon/ --and source/test/ --to target
└── source
    ├── ceylon
    │   └── ceylon
    │       └── formatter
    │           ├── format.ceylon
    │           ├── FormattingVisitor.ceylon
    │           ├── FormattingWriter.ceylon
    │           ├── GoLeftVisitor.ceylon
    │           ├── help.ceylon
    │           ├── module.ceylon
    │           ├── options
    │           │   ├── All.ceylon
    │           │   ├── DefaultLineBreaks.ceylon
    │           │   ├── formattingOptions.ceylon
    │           │   ├── FormattingOptions_generated.ceylon
    │           │   ├── IndentationAfterSpecifierExpressionStart.ceylon
    │           │   ├── IndentMode.ceylon
    │           │   ├── LineBreak.ceylon
    │           │   ├── LineBreakStrategy.ceylon
    │           │   ├── package.ceylon
    │           │   ├── ParseOptionException.ceylon
    │           │   ├── profiles.ceylon
    │           │   ├── UnknownOptionException.ceylon
    │           │   └── Unlimited.ceylon
    │           ├── package.ceylon
    │           ├── Patterns.ceylon
    │           └── run.ceylon
    └── test
        └── test
            └── ceylon
                └── formatter
                    ├── module.ceylon
                    ├── package.ceylon
                    ├── testCommandLineFiles.ceylon
                    ├── testCommandLineOptions.ceylon
                    ├── testDefaultLineBreaks.ceylon
                    ├── testIndentMode.ceylon
                    ├── testIssue71.ceylon
                    ├── testIssues.ceylon
                    ├── testLineBreaks.ceylon
                    ├── testParseTranslations.ceylon
                    └── testSamples.ceylon

9 directories, 33 files

There’s an extra layer of ceylon and test directories that’s not needed.

Found while investigating #114.