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SVT : Eclipse: project created in workspace but not listed in codewind #734

Closed mmulholl closed 4 years ago

mmulholl commented 4 years ago

Codewind version: Codewind tech preview 0.5.0.v201910151926 OS: Linux

Che version: IDE extension version: IDE version: Eclipse IDE for Eclipse Committers Version: 2019-06 (4.12.0) Kubernetes cluster:

Description: After working for a while suddenly when I create a project it does not appear in the list of projects in codewind. The project is created in the workspace. At the time of creation there are no other project in codewind.

First stated during automated testing but is now reproducible manually.

Steps to reproduce:


mmulholl commented 4 years ago

My windows testing has now hit the same issue.

eharris369 commented 4 years ago

If you right click on Projects (Local) and select Refresh does the application show up?

eharris369 commented 4 years ago

Martin says that Refresh does not help in which case it is more likely a PFE problem. Asked Martin for the Eclipse workspace log just to confirm.

eharris369 commented 4 years ago

In the workspace log it is complaining that it can't find the locOnDisk field in the JSON for a project (org.json.JSONException: JSONObject["locOnDisk"] not found.). Not sure what would cause this though I did find the following in the PFE logs:

^[[91m[17/10/19 20:42:00 Turbine] [ERROR]^[[39m [File Name: /file-watcher/server/dist/projects/ShellExtensionProject.js | Function Name: ShellExtensionProject.setLanguage | Line Number: 70] Unexpected end of JSON input
eharris369 commented 4 years ago

According to Toby the locOnDisk field was removed by accident as part of the hybrid work.

tobespc commented 4 years ago

not by accident, it was deliberately removed, just tracking the reason down but it has been gone for quite a while

tobespc commented 4 years ago

are you using a mismatch of IDE plugin version and codewind version ? In 0.5.0 codewind we have locondisk set as

this.locOnDisk = ${global.codewind.CODEWIND_WORKSPACE}${};

eharris369 commented 4 years ago

@mmulholl ^ When I do a docker images on the machine you were using it shows latest and 0.3.1 but no 0.5.0.

eharris369 commented 4 years ago

This would explain why I could not reproduce it on my machine - I was using 0.5.0 Eclipse IDE and 0.5.0 Codewind images.

tobespc commented 4 years ago

ok, I don't think this is a stopship then

mmulholl commented 4 years ago

Please look again, I am using 0.5.0 images, they are tagged "latest". The 0.3.1 images are hangovers form previous testing.

Docker ps:

650efb31e4f9 codewind-pfe-amd64:latest "sh -c ' /file-watch…" 24 hours ago Up 24 hours>9090/tcp codewind-pfe 8d223101ff3f codewind-performance-amd64:latest "docker-entrypoint.s…" 24 hours ago Up 24 hours>9095/tcp codewind-performance

docker images: 650efb31e4f9 codewind-pfe-amd64:latest "sh -c ' /file-watch…" 24 hours ago Up 24 hours>9090/tcp codewind-pfe 8d223101ff3f codewind-performance-amd64:latest "docker-entrypoint.s…" 24 hours ago Up 24 hours>9095/tcp codewind-performance

Eclipse info: Codewind tech preview 0.5.0.v201910151926

This in workspace .log: !ENTRY org.eclipse.codewind.core 4 0 2019-10-17 16:42:45.213 !MESSAGE [ERROR CodewindApplicationFactory.createApp:123] Error parsing project json: {"extension":{"path":"/codewind-workspace/.extensions/codewind-appsody-extension","detection":".appsody-config.yaml","templates":null,"name":"appsodyExtension","projectType":"appsodyExtension","description":"Appsody extension for Codewind","version":"0.5.0","config":{"containerAppRoot":"/project/user-app"},"commands":[{"args":["init"],"name":"postProjectValidate","command":"appsody"},{"args":["init","$subtype","none"],"name":"postProjectValidateWithType","command":"appsody"}]},"workspace":"/root/codewind-workspace/","appImageLastBuild":"1571344934000","projectType":"appsodyExtension","detailedBuildStatus":" ","language":"java","ports":{"internalPort":"35729","exposedPort":"33654"},"directory":"SVTAddExistingAppsodySpringDefaultProject1","buildStatus":"success","projectWatchStateId":"2b1a1b34234ca2b2e998ebbcba1e601e","autoBuild":true,"validationResults":[],"host":"","state":"open","containerId":"7bdd10c8968b7aa2d2d1fe71f587b301cac76cd3ce85136643b23f4d7085b0f7","projectID":"9081df10-f10d-11e9-a8a6-07e30440df11","validationStatus":"success","logs":{"app":{"origin":"workspace","files":["/codewind-workspace/.logs/SVTAddExistingAppsodySpringDefaultProject1-9081df10-f10d-11e9-a8a6-07e30440df11/appsody.log"]},"build":{"origin":"workspace","files":[]}},"codewindVersion":"latest","detailedAppStatus":"Pinging and","appStatus":"stopped","lastbuild":1571344934969,"buildLogPath":"/codewind-workspace/.logs/SVTAddExistingAppsodySpringDefaultProject1-9081df10-f10d-11e9-a8a6-07e30440df11/","loadTestPath":"/codewind-workspace/SVTAddExistingAppsodySpringDefaultProject1/load-test","startMode":"run","name":"SVTAddExistingAppsodySpringDefaultProject1","isHttps":false,"infLockFlag":false,"location":"/codewind-workspace/SVTAddExistingAppsodySpringDefaultProject1","appErrorStatus":"Failed to ping application due to timeout."} !STACK 0 org.json.JSONException: JSONObject["locOnDisk"] not found. at org.json.JSONObject.get( at org.json.JSONObject.getString( at org.eclipse.codewind.core.internal.CodewindApplicationFactory.createApp( at org.eclipse.codewind.core.internal.CodewindApplicationFactory.getAppsFromProjectsJson( at org.eclipse.codewind.core.internal.connection.CodewindConnection.refreshApps( at org.eclipse.codewind.core.internal.connection.CodewindSocket.onProjectCreation( at org.eclipse.codewind.core.internal.connection.CodewindSocket.access$900( at org.eclipse.codewind.core.internal.connection.CodewindSocket$ at io.socket.emitter.Emitter.emit(

You should be able to tell from the line numbers in the stack which version is running.

mmulholl commented 4 years ago

also if I right click on "Projects (Local)" one of the options is "Manage Template Sources..." which I am pretty sure was not available on 0.3.1.

mmulholl commented 4 years ago

Here is another stack from the log (i think the line number for the NewCodewindProjectWizard proves it is not 0.3.1 that is running. :

org.json.JSONException: JSONObject["locOnDisk"] not found. at org.json.JSONObject.get( at org.json.JSONObject.getString( at org.eclipse.codewind.core.internal.CodewindApplicationFactory.createApp( at org.eclipse.codewind.core.internal.CodewindApplicationFactory.getAppsFromProjectsJson( at org.eclipse.codewind.core.internal.connection.CodewindConnection.refreshApps( at org.eclipse.codewind.ui.internal.wizards.NewCodewindProjectWizard$ at

tobespc commented 4 years ago

I can see that master branch of pfe has a change thats leaked through from the hybrid changes that will cause this problem. I've put a PR up to fix in master. However, this code is ok in the 0.5.0 branch of pfe so need to make sure the 0.5.0 eclipse plugin is pulling the 0.5.0 pfe

jopit commented 4 years ago

By default, the 0.5.0 version of the plugins requires docker images tagged '0.5.0'. I'd like to understand why the docker images in question are tagged 'latest'?

jopit commented 4 years ago

I can confirm that the 0.5.0 eclipse plugin does pull the 0.5.0 docker images:

% docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                              COMMAND                  CREATED              STATUS              PORTS                                                                         NAMES
af88d56a6efe        cw-liberty1-e83380a0-ea0b-11e9-a033-718682727367   "/home/default/artif…"   22 seconds ago       Up 20 seconds>7777/tcp,>9080/tcp,>9443/tcp   cw-liberty1-e83380a0-ea0b-11e9-a033-718682727367
565e4b6238f6        cw-node1-a0286640-e303-11e9-910b-91f3c38b5f18      "docker-entrypoint.s…"   About a minute ago   Up About a minute>3000/tcp,>9229/tcp                            cw-node1-a0286640-e303-11e9-910b-91f3c38b5f18
b507d7443d61        cw-gogo-970958d0-e303-11e9-910b-91f3c38b5f18       "/app/main"              3 minutes ago        Up 3 minutes>8000/tcp                                                       cw-gogo-970958d0-e303-11e9-910b-91f3c38b5f18
04f5a392981e        cw-python1-a3bb4670-e302-11e9-910b-91f3c38b5f18    "python"          4 minutes ago        Up 4 minutes>5000/tcp                                                       cw-python1-a3bb4670-e302-11e9-910b-91f3c38b5f18
aff527659001        codewind-pfe-amd64:0.5.0                           "sh -c ' /file-watch…"   5 minutes ago        Up 5 minutes>9090/tcp                                                     codewind-pfe
6d357ca909b2        codewind-performance-amd64:0.5.0                   "docker-entrypoint.s…"   5 minutes ago        Up 5 minutes>9095/tcp                                                      codewind-performance

% docker images
REPOSITORY                                         TAG                    IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
cw-liberty1-e83380a0-ea0b-11e9-a033-718682727367   latest                 cb87b374b772        2 minutes ago       901MB
cw-node1-a0286640-e303-11e9-910b-91f3c38b5f18      latest                 c1de4810364b        3 minutes ago       1.02GB
liberty-app-cache                                  latest                 515375cde979        4 minutes ago       873MB
spring-app-cache                                   latest                 011ac48a3ac4        4 minutes ago       414MB
cw-gogo-970958d0-e303-11e9-910b-91f3c38b5f18       latest                 a91d26798799        5 minutes ago       810MB
cw-python1-a3bb4670-e302-11e9-910b-91f3c38b5f18    latest                 31722bb13efd        6 minutes ago       113MB
python                                             3.7-alpine             399ca5fe696b        2 days ago          102MB
ibmjava                                            8-sfj                  6847e43e401d        2 days ago          167MB
eclipse/codewind-initialize-amd64                  0.5.0                  db7a5e29c893        2 days ago          210MB
codewind-initialize-amd64                          0.5.0                  db7a5e29c893        2 days ago          210MB
eclipse/codewind-performance-amd64                 0.5.0                  f66bf4e1870c        2 days ago          86.3MB
codewind-performance-amd64                         0.5.0                  f66bf4e1870c        2 days ago          86.3MB
codewind-pfe-amd64                                 0.5.0                  642f8476edd3        2 days ago          709MB
eclipse/codewind-pfe-amd64                         0.5.0                  642f8476edd3        2 days ago          709MB
golang                                             latest                 dc7582e06f8e        3 days ago          803MB
node                                               8-stretch              52a261fa5e4b        3 days ago          895MB
ibmcom/codewind-java-project-cache                 latest                 30c11c49e29d        7 weeks ago         231MB
websphere-liberty                           c6892fcebf3c        2 months ago        460MB
jopit commented 4 years ago

The only way the eclipse plugins will install and use images tagged latest is if one of the environment variables CW_TAG or INSTALL_VERSION is set to latest. If that's the case, then we have the 0.5.0 eclipse plugin running against docker images from the master branch, and this is not a valid test scenario for 0.5.0