eclipse-archived / packagedrone

Eclipse Package Drone
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Channel with artifacts uploaded by gradle produces incorrect p2 repository #118

Open MoergJ opened 6 years ago

MoergJ commented 6 years ago

System under test

CentOS 7 (Vagrant machine) Packagedrone 0.14.1

Channel's aspects


I found a strange behaviour of the resulting p2 repository of a channel, where artifacts got uploaded via gradle (maven-publish).

I was able to sucessfully upload my OSGi-Bundles and the p2 metadata (OSGi metadata and Manifest headers) is generated/extracted correctly, as I can see in the channel's content.

When it comes to add the p2 repository to a target definition file in my Eclipse, no Bundles (or Features) are shown.

Creating a Feature (in Packagedrone directly or as uploaded artifact), that includes the OSGi Bundles, did not help either.

Strangely the provided file contains the Bundles correctly.

Am I missing something or is this an actual bug?

ctron commented 6 years ago

This is hard to tell. What would be helpful is a way to reproduce this. Or the export of a small channel which shows the issue.

Is there anything suspicious in the log file?

MoergJ commented 6 years ago

So after exporting and importing it again, the repository appeared and could be added to a target definition file.

I think we were able to track down, why it did not work in the first place. We were working on a utilities project, so we named the channel "Utilities". Apparently this is an somehow invalid name for a repository. After renaming, the repository was working correctly.

Also we saw, that a feature is needed to reference the p2 repository in a target definition file. This can be worked around of course and basically is a good practice to have one.

So the bug now seems to be the invalid name "Utilities". Using the Channel's ID works fine.

ctron commented 6 years ago

Hm ... still this sounds a bit weird to me.

Could you try using an all lowercase name as channel name. Maybe the uppercase "U" causes the problem.