eclipse-archived / smarthome

Eclipse SmartHome™ project
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openHAB does not update switch state in basicui after ESP reboots #6917

Closed ka-bro closed 4 years ago

ka-bro commented 4 years ago

openHAB2: .items Switch relay1 "реле1" {channel="mqtt:topic:b0d2f1d2:relay1", autoupdate = "true"}

.things Type switch : relay1 "On/Off switch" [ stateTopic="wroom-32/relay1/state", commandTopic="wroom-32/relay1/gpio/26" ]

.sitemap Switch item=relay1 icon="wallswitch"

esp easy: switch

It works good.. If I switch relay ON it is On in basicui. When I reboot ESP relay stete becomes OFF by default but in basicui it is still ON even I refresh page in browser. I need to turn it OFF then ON and it works good again... How can I get relay status to openHAB when ESP reboots? Any guidance please?

5iver commented 4 years ago

openHAB no longer uses ESH. You should ask over here...