eclipse-archived / triquetrum

Triquetrum project
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org.apache.xmlrpc.server: Missing Constraint: org.apache.commons.logging; version="[1.1.0,1.2.0)" #342

Closed cxbrooks closed 4 years ago

cxbrooks commented 4 years ago

While updating to Eclipse 2019-12 (see Bug #341), the Triquetrum product fails to validate: A dialog appears:

The following problems were detected:
Missing Constraint: org.apache.commons.logging; version="[1.1.0,1.2.0)"

Indeed, .metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.pde.core/.bundle_pool/plugins/org.apache.xmlrpc.server_3.1.3.v20181004-1955.jar:meta-inf/ contains:

Import-Package: org.apache.commons.logging;version="[1.1.0,1.2)"

I believe that the issue here is that some of the versions of org.apache.xmlrpc.server are very old and was relying on org.apache.commons.logging 1.1.0. Upgrading to Eclipse 2019-12 ended up requiring org.apache.commons.logging 1.2.0 somehow.

For a similar issue, see Eclipse Bug 537832: fails to install due to missing org.apache.commons.logging 1.1.1

The correct fix would be to update where ever we got the bogus *.xmlrpc.server*.jar.

Another fix would be to remove org.eclipse.triquetrum.scisoft.analysis.rpc. It looks like org.eclipse.triquetrum.python.service/target/MANIFEST.MF imports it.

cxbrooks commented 4 years ago

Fixed in af4438b470b774c5b33c0f8656b40101cf5d37d1