Regarding “loops” in Functional Chains, it is not possible to create them outside of Functional Chain Description diagram as the tool cannot know the starting and ending point of a Functional Chain if you have a loop. So it is possible to define them only in FCD for a good reason. This is the correct behaviour.
However, for Operational Processes, it is a missing feature (the creation of loops in description diagram). Loops cannot be created.
Description of problem is discussed in this Forum post:
Regarding “loops” in Functional Chains, it is not possible to create them outside of Functional Chain Description diagram as the tool cannot know the starting and ending point of a Functional Chain if you have a loop. So it is possible to define them only in FCD for a good reason. This is the correct behaviour.
However, for Operational Processes, it is a missing feature (the creation of loops in description diagram). Loops cannot be created.