eclipse-cdt-cloud / cdt-gdb-adapter

CDT GDB Debug Adapter
Eclipse Public License 2.0
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Adding the ability to configure serial port output to the debug console #271

Closed AdhamRagabMCHP closed 1 year ago

AdhamRagabMCHP commented 1 year ago

This PR introduces a set of parameters that allow us to configure a serial line in the adapter to print UART output from on-board/emulation debug to the debug console. These parameters include the TCP port to hook onto (for emulation programs outputting UART output), or the serial port on the host machine to capture UART output from. For the serial line, we also configure the baud rate, stop bits, handshaking method, etc.

The source code looks to take these parameters to then configure serial ports and sockets to read UART data and output it to the debug console. It will also set up necessary event handlers, and changes the log level in the non-verbose case to allow for "log" messages to be printed in a manner such that UART output isn't designated as a "warning".

~Lastly, GDBDebugSession.ts features an addition to remove a warning about an "unhandled notify" for the cmd-param-changed notification.~ (this part moved to #272)

jonahgraham commented 1 year ago

Thanks @AdhamRagabMCHP this looks like an interesting new feature. Thank you for taking the time to create a PR.

I have done a preliminary review of the code and here are my first thoughts:

Feature wise this provides one way comms from target to IDE. Is there a plan on how to support bidirectional communications? Bidirectional comms are not a pre-requisite, but I want to understand what the future path may look like.

AdhamRagabMCHP commented 1 year ago

Thanks @jonahgraham for your prompt review! This is really refreshing to witness.

I'll try to address your comments one-by-one here, and of course the changes requested will be incoming:

  1. Sure, I can do that. I think logically, separating the changes in GDBDebugSession.ts and GDBTargetDebugSession.ts makes sense - they are unrelated changes. Changing the logging level is directly related to how I wanted to print the serial output (by using logger.log as opposed to logger.warn) coming from a user's application.
  2. The socket has an event handler for closing, so that can be moved. However, we need to declare the SerialPort globally so that we can attempt to close the port on a disconnect request.
  3. Sure, I can do something like that.
  4. We're using the CDT-GDB-VSCode/Adapter to debug user applications on-board and/or through an emulation platform. In our setup, we have three debugging flows:
    • On-host debugging - We use a separate plugin for this (we were working on this flow before needed to support debugging on-board and through an emulation platform, where we came across this extension that was very helpful in remote debugging). In this case, output from the program prints directly to the debug console.
    • On-board debugging - In our case, a lot of our user applications feature some sort of output printed on the UART, and so as to prevent users from having to open up an external screen/gtkterm/Putty window to view UART output, we found it helpful to print it within their IDE. In this flow, we would be needing to read UART output across a serial line, necessitating the use of the NodeJS serialport library.
    • Debugging through an emulation platform - If you have no CPU for an application developed to work on-board, we also have the option to debug an application on an emulation platform that mimics the CPU you are compiling for. In this case, the flow would work just like the on-board debugging flow, except that we would try to read off of a TCP port that the emulation platform redirects UART output to. We want to be able to switch between all 3 flows without having to change how we debug/how we view debug results drastically. In our case, that means that the way output is printed should be the same across all three (hence printing output to the debug console). Doing so also preserves UART output in the generated log file for the debug session, which can be helpful for users debugging an application where they may expect specific output/output in a specific order.
      1. Sure, I'll think about what test cases I can add
      2. I don't think there is a concrete plan on our end to support bidirectional communication. We don't really have a use case right now where we'd need bidirectional communication, although it would be an interesting exercise to think about.
jonahgraham commented 1 year ago

Thanks @jonahgraham for your prompt review! This is really refreshing to witness.

:) I try to be quick when possible, but sometimes it can be very slow. Anytime feel free to ping me!

  1. The socket has an event handler for closing, so that can be moved. However, we need to declare the SerialPort globally so that we can attempt to close the port on a disconnect request.

Not sure I undertand why here - if serialport is a field in the session you should be able to access in disconnect in the same way that we do await this.gdb.sendGDBExit(); on the next line.

  1. We're using the CDT-GDB-VSCode/Adapter to debug user applications on-board and/or through an emulation platform. In our setup, we have three debugging flows [...]

The output appearing the debug console isn't an issue for me. I'm just not terribly fond of user data going through the logger. Using an OutputEvent will still deliver the output to the debug console without all the extra indirection. However if you have a use case where making it go through the logger is important to you I won't block the PR on that issue.

  1. Sure, I'll think about what test cases I can add

Please let me know if you need insight or help on writing test cases for this. The serial port one may be difficult, especially on Windows, but having at least something that exercises the code is useful.

AdhamRagabMCHP commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your comments! On 2: I see what you mean now - sure, I'll do something like that. On 4: I'll try to make use of an OutputEvent and see how that changes the look of the output - perhaps it does what we want all the same without having to go through the logger. On 5: Thanks so much! Yes, it will be difficult, so I may ping you from time to time :)

AdhamRagabMCHP commented 1 year ago

I forgot to mention this in the commit message, but the latest commit also features a small fix to properly disconnect remote targets when exiting a GDB session.

jonahgraham commented 1 year ago

I forgot to mention this in the commit message, but the latest commit also features a small fix to properly disconnect remote targets when exiting a GDB session.

Can you do that in a different PR please. The disconnect sequence has been a fairly big talking point, both on here and with some of the other adopters so I want to ensure that change is very visible.

AdhamRagabMCHP commented 1 year ago

I forgot to mention this in the commit message, but the latest commit also features a small fix to properly disconnect remote targets when exiting a GDB session.

Can you do that in a different PR please. The disconnect sequence has been a fairly big talking point, both on here and with some of the other adopters so I want to ensure that change is very visible.

Sure that can work....I'll do that now

jonahgraham commented 1 year ago

On 5: Thanks so much! Yes, it will be difficult, so I may ping you from time to time :)

Any luck with how to test the code? I want to make sure that we don't spend an unreasonable time on this part of it.

AdhamRagabMCHP commented 1 year ago

On 5: Thanks so much! Yes, it will be difficult, so I may ping you from time to time :)

Any luck with how to test the code? I want to make sure that we don't spend an unreasonable time on this part of it.

Hey! I'm still trying to write the test-code - we had a long weekend here, so I'm just getting back to it now. I'll keep you posted on the test code - I'll start off writing a testcase for the socket case.

AdhamRagabMCHP commented 1 year ago

On 5: Thanks so much! Yes, it will be difficult, so I may ping you from time to time :)

Any luck with how to test the code? I want to make sure that we don't spend an unreasonable time on this part of it.

On this - what's your policy of including binaries as part of the test suite? I think the easiest option for me would be to recreate a simple emulator setup and go from there, but perhaps you'd like to avoid including the emulator binary as part of the testsuite, in which case I would have to keep exploring different options. The difficulty associated with this is that I don't think I can necessarily start a socket server from some C program since we try to connect to the server using a client socket in the adapter, meaning that the socket server will have to have been created before that step in the debug adapter code. I can create a simple emulator example I believe which will exercise this code, but I think it'll be difficult otherwise.

jonahgraham commented 1 year ago

We can't have binaries checked in, but we can build additional binaries as part of the build.

AdhamRagabMCHP commented 1 year ago

We can't have binaries checked in, but we can build additional binaries as part of the build.

Understandable. I currently have a working testcase (I think) - it requires netcat, which is pre-installed by default on most, if not all, Linux distros but will need to be downloaded manually for Windows - what's the policy in that case? I believe there's instructions to build it from source, but it would still require something like Cygwin.

AdhamRagabMCHP commented 1 year ago

@jonahgraham Just wanted to double-check that the way I wrote the test is valid - seems that it passes on both Windows and Linux.

jonahgraham commented 1 year ago

Understandable. I currently have a working testcase (I think) - it requires netcat, which is pre-installed by default on most, if not all, Linux distros but will need to be downloaded manually for Windows - what's the policy in that case? I believe there's instructions to build it from source, but it would still require something like Cygwin.

I think if the most straightforward way to write the tests is to use netcat or any tool that is Linux specific, I would simply mark the tests as skip on Windows. Getting the code coverage on Linux would be great and will help ensure that a future code change doesn't break your new feature.

If we later find a regression or error that is Windows specific we may then want to write a test that covers that case.

I hope that helps!

AdhamRagabMCHP commented 1 year ago

Understandable. I currently have a working testcase (I think) - it requires netcat, which is pre-installed by default on most, if not all, Linux distros but will need to be downloaded manually for Windows - what's the policy in that case? I believe there's instructions to build it from source, but it would still require something like Cygwin.

I think if the most straightforward way to write the tests is to use netcat or any tool that is Linux specific, I would simply mark the tests as skip on Windows. Getting the code coverage on Linux would be great and will help ensure that a future code change doesn't break your new feature.

If we later find a regression or error that is Windows specific we may then want to write a test that covers that case.

I hope that helps!

I think NodeJS hopefully is a way forward - other than the serial port (which we'll look into for now), I think there's probably some promise there. I want to avoid having to download any tools, so I'll keep looking.

Thank you so much for all your helpful feedback on this - I've learnt a lot!

AdhamRagabMCHP commented 1 year ago

@jonahgraham is there a way I can get access to the logfile from the most recent run, or does it get cleaned up after the tests run? I don't want to keep force pushing blindly - I can't run these tests locally so I'm relying on the PR run to test them.

jonahgraham commented 1 year ago

@jonahgraham is there a way I can get access to the logfile from the most recent run, or does it get cleaned up after the tests run?

Yes - they should all be there: - the logs are preserved indefinitely.

I don't want to keep force pushing blindly - I can't run these tests locally so I'm relying on the PR run to test them.

The other thing you can do is enable github actions on your fork and then all pushes you do will run the actions on your GHA:

jonahgraham commented 1 year ago

Specifically the most recent run seems to be

AdhamRagabMCHP commented 1 year ago

Specifically the most recent run seems to be

I was referring more to the adapter log files - where we can see the verbose adapter logs. I haven't been able to find those logs at all.

jonahgraham commented 1 year ago

Click on the run link, then Summary in the top left:


Then scroll down a little and download the zipped log files per platform:


AdhamRagabMCHP commented 1 year ago

Click on the run link, then Summary in the top left:


Then scroll down a little and download the zipped log files per platform:


Thank you so much!

AdhamRagabMCHP commented 1 year ago

The socket test passes on both Ubuntu and Windows now - just formatting the source code now.

I'll look to add the test for the serial port.

AdhamRagabMCHP commented 1 year ago

I added the test for the serial line output - I skip the test on Windows, and it passes in Linux.

AdhamRagabMCHP commented 1 year ago

I added the test for the serial line output - I skip the test on Windows, and it passes in Linux.

Actually - I noticed that sometimes, it fails to register as a success for this last one - from seeing the logs, it seems that the intended behaviour occurs and in fact, some of the runs show the test as having passed:


Is there anything I'm missing?

jonahgraham commented 1 year ago

@AdhamRagabMCHP it looks like you have resolved all my outstanding review comments. Please let me know if you have anything else pending or if you are ready for me to merge.

AdhamRagab25 commented 1 year ago

I think it's good to merge - I don't think I'll be adding anything else to the PR.

jonahgraham commented 1 year ago

Thank you @AdhamRagab25 for this new functionality!

AdhamRagabMCHP commented 1 year ago

@jonahgraham Thank you for all your help and feedback! It was incredibly helpful!