eclipse-cdt-cloud / theia-trace-extension

Eclipse Theia trace viewer extension using the Trace Server Protocol (TSP), through the tsp-typescript-client. Also the home for reusable JavaScript libraries: traceviewer-base, traceviewer-react-components
MIT License
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Add filter Thread Status #1061

Open NikolaKalinic opened 4 months ago

NikolaKalinic commented 4 months ago

I would like to suggest an enhancement to our thread status functionality by adding a filter option for thread status. Currently, all processes are displayed without any filtering. However, I believe it would be beneficial to introduce a feature that allows users to selectively view specific processes based on their needs.

Why a Filter Option Matters:


example This is a random example of what it should look like

bhufmann commented 4 months ago

Thanks for the interest in Trace Compass. Yes, it would be great to be able to filter (show/hide) rows to be shown. The tree and the timegraph on left are synchronized, that means one line on the tree corresponds to a line on the graph (left). Removing lines have to be done on the tree and on the graph. Enable the checkboxes on the left would allow do deselct rows, but there will needs to be a different control to get the hidden rows back. Maybe having a separate tree dialog (from the menu) where a checkbox tree exists and users can select and deselect threads (rows).

Interesting would also to be able to select multple rows on the tree, right mouse click and select a hide menu item. This is just a shortcut to hide items.

NikolaKalinic commented 4 months ago

First of all, I want to thank you for your response and support for enhancing Trace Compass functionality. Your comment regarding the synchronization of the tree with changes on the graph is extremely important. Allowing users to focus only on essential information, rather than getting confused with unnecessary details, is crucial for improving the user experience.

Thank you once again for your engagement and support.

NikolaKalinic commented 3 months ago

@bhufmann I am a student currently working on a student project that utilizes Trace Compass. I would like to add this functionality, but I'm encountering difficulties in following the instructions for starting the project from the README. Could you help me to start the project and provide the necessary support so that I can begin working on this functionality?

MatthewKhouzam commented 3 months ago

Hey @NikolaKalinic I want to help out too! :) First off, anything missing in the README?

NikolaKalinic commented 3 months ago

Hey @MatthewKhouzam , thank you so much for expressing your willingness to help out! It's fantastic to have support as I dive into this project.

Regarding the README, everything seems clear, but I've encountered some difficulties in getting started. Here's where I stand: I've got Node.js version 18.20, Java 17, and Yarn 1.8 installed on my system. I've also cloned the repository and tried running

yarn tswatch

as instructed, but I seem to be facing some issues.


Do you have any insights or suggestions on how to troubleshoot this? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

MatthewKhouzam commented 3 months ago

Hey, I'm gonna start with the simple things first. Are you certain all repos are at "head"? It looks like you have one repo out of sync to me.

NikolaKalinic commented 3 months ago

Exactly, I only have one repository 'theia-trace-extension'. I thought I could fetch the other necessary components using commands like 'yarn download:server', but it seems that's not how it works the way I imagined. Can you tell me which repositories I need to have and where they should be located? Also, do I need to follow instructions for setting up each one or something else? Can you give me baby steps (rubber ducking) :joy: :joy: ?

MatthewKhouzam commented 3 months ago

Ok, that helps! and Yes, I love the enthusiasm. ;)

Basically, yarn tswatch says "Hey, use the local libraries, don't download any.

If you're still at the begining, you have a few choices.

  1. clean up your git... (git clean -fdx, git reset hard)
  2. Erase everything restart with no yarn tswatch
  3. the best, download the other modules like timeline-chart and tsp-typescript-client and link them. (This step is reserved for truly magnificent people)
    1. git clone
    2. git clone

Hope this helps.

NikolaKalinic commented 3 months ago

I've successfully run the project! Thank you so much for your time and the invaluable assistance you've provided to help me through this. Your support mean a lot, and I truly appreciate everything you've done. I'm now ready to move forward with this feature! Once again, a big thank you!

MatthewKhouzam commented 3 months ago

Looking forward to seeing the progress!