eclipse-cdt-cloud / theia-trace-extension

Eclipse Theia trace viewer extension using the Trace Server Protocol (TSP), through the tsp-typescript-client. Also the home for reusable JavaScript libraries: traceviewer-base, traceviewer-react-components
MIT License
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Trace compass server quits with Exit code=4 #444

Open JonasHelming opened 2 years ago

JonasHelming commented 2 years ago

Used when launching it, it directly quits: Tracecompass-server: JVM terminated. Exit code=4

Interestingly, we do observe this only on specific machines, so this is not a general issue, but might be related to the set-up. However, any hints what Exit code 4 means in this context are highly appreciated!

JonasHelming commented 2 years ago

Java version is the same on all machines: openjdk 11.0.11 2021-04-20 OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.11+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu2.18.04) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.0.11+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu2.18.04, mixed mode, sharing)

mirsky-work commented 2 years ago

@JonasHelming, I believe you can find the exit codes of that trace-server implementation here:

Looks like value 4 (ERROR_RUNNING_TRACE_SERVER) is returned when a general Exception is caught, so you'll need to look in the log to find what caused it.

JonasHelming commented 2 years ago

Thank you that helped. The issue was actually that the port 8080 was already taken by another service. MAYBE, you want to either: Log the port binding issue directly on the console (many tools do that) or Log a hint that more information is in the log and its location when quitting

But these two things are just suggestions, feel absolutly free to close this issue without doing anything and than you again for the help.