eclipse-cdt-cloud / theia-trace-extension

Eclipse Theia trace viewer extension using the Trace Server Protocol (TSP), through the tsp-typescript-client. Also the home for reusable JavaScript libraries: traceviewer-base, traceviewer-react-components
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[example app] Add minimal trace-viewer example app, similar to RCP? #84

Open marcdumais-work opened 4 years ago

marcdumais-work commented 4 years ago

The example app in this repo is quite feature-full, supporting C/C++ and having the open-vsx integration that permits adding VS Code extensions at runtime. Nothing wrong with that - a portion of eventual adopters of the trace extension would use it in such an application.

However it could also be useful to have a single-purpose application, dedicated to trace viewing with no extra clutter/features. I guess that one could fulfill a similar use-case as the Trace Compass RCP. I think this application could be "pure Theia" and would not require VS Code extensions support.

ebugden commented 3 years ago

@bhufmann @tahini This thought has been at the back of my head for a while now: I think the default trace viewer Theia application should build with just the trace viewing features (no debugging, no vs code extensions, no editors).

My understanding is that most open-source users (vs. internal extenders) would only use this tool for trace analysis (rather than as an IDE). The IDE features are unnecessary clutter for these users.

To cover the the active community's use case, I assume we could also have a compilation option for building the trace viewer application as a fleshed out IDE (as it is now), but I don't think this should be the default.

CC: @MatthewKhouzam @mirsky-work @ssmagula

bhufmann commented 3 years ago

I agree that providing a application that users can download/install and use for trace analysis. GitPod is good for demoing purposes, but users cannot use it with their own supplied traces. It should be straight forward to define such an application using a package.json definition. Maybe provide the Electron version only. This application could be deployed in this repository for now.

Alternatively, the VsCode plug-in could be deployed instead and users install it from the VsCode marketplace. This of course requires that the VsCode plug-in is ready to be used.

In both cases, a corresponding trace server needs to be provided as well. Ideally, it would be done for the user during installation of the deployed trace viewer.

ebugden commented 3 years ago

After chatting with @tahini, we think it's best to implement the open-source Trace Viewer MVP as a dedicated trace viewing application (no IDE features) instead of a VS Code extension. What are your thoughts?


Deciding on a dedicated trace viewer app is enough direction for now, but this topic links back to core ⭐existential questions⭐ for the open-source tool:

It's important that we define initial answers to these questions soon because it will help us understand our goals (and the differences with certain implementation's goals) and allow for more focused design decisions. @tahini @MatthewKhouzam @bhufmann we had briefly discussed these questions in the autumn, but @ssmagula and I will be looking at them more seriously in the near future.

bhufmann commented 3 years ago

Deciding on a dedicated trace viewer app is enough direction for now, but this topic links back to core starexistential questionsstar for the open-source tool:

* **What is the open-source tool's niche?** What unmet need does it fill?

This open-source tool capabilities are really defined by the trace server that is used for trace analysis. Using this tool with the Trace Compass trace server, then it provides a rich set of features for analyzing traces coming from LTTng Kernel and UST tracers. So, deployment with the Trace Compass servers will serve such user base in analyzing performance and other reliability issues.

You second part of the question is two fold. On one hand, providing the standalone application with the Trace Compass server won't have much "unmet needs" for the users that are already using original Trace Compass RCP. Hopefully, with better UX eventually. On the other hand, the new architecture, i.e. client-server architecture, modular design, opens new opportunities that the original Trace Compass RCP can't provide, to name a few:

* **Who are our intended open-source users?** What do they need?

My answer above applies here too. The Trace Server will determine the user base, i.e. when using the Trace Compass server then it's the same user base and similar needs. Higher scalability when distributed server is available, might be interesting for some.

ebugden commented 3 years ago

I didn't frame the existential questions sufficiently to get the kind of information I was hoping for. I was off topic for this issue so I'll come back to these questions after discussing with @ssmagula and collecting some more information from prospective users.

Thank you for this context!