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Errors when a workspace starts up with several remote plugins #12762

Closed tolusha closed 5 years ago

tolusha commented 5 years ago


Errors when a workspace starts up with several remote plugins ### Reproduction Steps

When I try to start a workspace with several remote plugins (java, go, ts, xml, yaml, node debug) I can observer several error (listed below).

OS and version:
Minikube start command: minikube start --cpus 4 --memory 10240 --docker-opt userland-proxy=false --extra-config=apiserver.authorization-mode=RBAC minikube version: v0.28.2


garagatyi commented 5 years ago

Can you provide workspace configuration to reproduce the issue?

tolusha commented 5 years ago
  "defaultEnv": "default",
  "environments": {
    "default": {
      "machines": {
        "ws/dev": {
          "attributes": {
            "memoryLimitBytes": "536870912"
          "servers": {},
          "volumes": {
            "projects": {
              "path": "/projects"
          "installers": [],
          "env": {}
      "recipe": {
        "type": "kubernetes",
        "content": "kind: List\nitems:\n - \n  apiVersion: v1\n  kind: Pod\n  metadata:\n   name: ws\n  spec:\n   containers:\n    - \n     image: 'eclipse/che-dev:6.18.1'\n     name: dev\n     resources:\n      limits:\n       memory: 512Mi\n",
        "contentType": "application/x-yaml"
  "projects": [],
  "name": "wksp-nbt1",
  "attributes": {
    "editor": "org.eclipse.che.editor.theia:1.0.0",
    "plugins": "che-machine-exec-plugin:0.0.1,ms-vscode.node-debug2:1.31.6,ms-vscode.node-debug:1.32.1,ms-vscode.typescript:1.30.2,redhat.vscode-xml:0.3.0,redhat.vscode-yaml:0.3.0"
  "commands": [],
  "links": []
tolusha commented 5 years ago

it is also necessary to deploy plugin registry with all latest plugins

garagatyi commented 5 years ago

@l0rd @ibuziuk Should OSIO-Che team include this issue into the upcoming sprint? Seems to be important and can block languages team

l0rd commented 5 years ago

Yes it looks critical

garagatyi commented 5 years ago

I reproduced this case:

* Starting VS Code extensions processing
  zip: not a valid zip file
  Error: Failed to run the workspace: "Plugins installation process failed. Error: Plugin broking process for workspace workspaceozixry8v80yfou5l failed with error: zip: not a valid zip file

it is related to blocking brokers because of API rate limit on marketplace side. Wasn't able to reproduce next cases:

* all plugins have been successfully processed
  stream error: stream ID 1; HTTP_1_1_REQUIRED
  Error: Failed to run the workspace: "Plugins installation process failed. Error: Plugin broking process for workspace workspaceozixry8v80yfou5l failed with error: stream error: stream ID 1; HTTP_1_1_REQUIRED"

* write /tmp/vscode-extension-broker817819086/plugin/extension/server/org.eclipse.lsp4xml-uber.jar: cannot allocate memory
  Error: Failed to run the workspace: "Plugins installation process failed. Error: Plugin broking process for workspace workspaceozixry8v80yfou5l failed with error: write /tmp/vscode-extension-broker817819086/plugin/extension/server/org.eclipse.lsp4xml-uber.jar: cannot allocate memory"

@tolusha how often do you see these cases? Any ideas how to reproduce them?

tolusha commented 5 years ago

Unfortunately I wan't able to reproduce other errors. I always faced zip: not a valid zip file issue. I guess once it is fixed and a new plugin broker is released I will try one more time.

garagatyi commented 5 years ago

@tolusha zip: not a valid zip file issue should be tackled now - broker will retry to download extension or show pretty error message about rate limiting. Apart from that, it is possible that workspace start would timeout when retries and regular extensions downloads take too much time.

garagatyi commented 5 years ago

Closing this issue since reproduced case is fixed. Feel free to reopen if other cases are reproduced