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[CRW-4049] Single Dockerfile for building all plugins #22131

Closed ArvinB closed 11 months ago

ArvinB commented 1 year ago


Hi @SDawley

I was speaking to @nickboldt and he recommended I communicate my suggestions over to you.


I work heavily downstream adopting RH Dev Spaces to support mainframe developers.

Based upon Dev Spaces 3.5, I see that you are working on making things a bit easier to build the pluigns in 3.6. I am currently working on a single Dockerfile to do much of what the does. The issue we have with the build script is that it works great for a single architecture image...but for multi-architecture images it's not as friendly as having a Dockerfile and utilizing docker buildx build...

Relevant information

@SDawley This is a work in process based upon Dev Spaces 3.5...but there it works thus far. So I'm sharing here.

# Copyright (c) 2023 Red Hat, Inc.
# This program and the accompanying materials are made
# available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
# which is available at
# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
# Contributors:
#   Red Hat, Inc. - initial API and implementation
#   IBM Corporation - implementation

### Open VSX Server - Builder
FROM as ovsx-server-builder

    JAVA_VERSION="11" \

COPY /build/scripts/ /tmp

    GIT_CHE_OPENVSX="" && \
    SEMERU_JDK="jdk-11.0.18%2B10_openj9-0.36.1" && ARCH="$(uname -m)" && \
    SEMERU_RPM="${JAVA_VERSION}-binaries/releases/download/${SEMERU_JDK}/ibm-semeru-open-${JAVA_VERSION}-jdk-${SEMERU_VERSION}.${ARCH}.rpm" && \
    YUM_PKGS="git jq curl ${SEMERU_RPM}" && \
    yum install -y --nodocs ${YUM_PKGS} && \
    git clone "${GIT_CHE_OPENVSX}"

WORKDIR /tmp/che-openvsx/server
    git checkout che-openvsx && \
    ./gradlew --no-daemon --console=plain assemble && \
    mkdir -pv /openvsx-server && \
    cp -v scripts/ build/libs/openvsx-server.jar /openvsx-server

WORKDIR /openvsx-server
COPY /openvsx-sync.json /openvsx-server/
    jar -xf openvsx-server.jar && \
    rm -fv openvsx-server.jar && \
    /tmp/ && \
    mv -v /tmp/vsix /openvsx-server

    tar -czf openvsx-server.tar.gz /openvsx-server

### Open VSX Modules - Builder
FROM as ovsx-lib-builder
USER 1001


    mkdir -pv /tmp/opt/cache && \
    npm install --location=global ovsx@0.5.0 --prefix /tmp/opt/ovsx --cache /tmp/opt/cache --no-audit --no-fund --no-update-notifier && \
    chmod -R g+rwX /tmp/opt/ovsx && \
    tar -czf ovsx.tar.gz /tmp/opt/ovsx

### Plugin Generator - Builder
FROM as plugin-builder


COPY che-*.yaml /tmp

    YUM_PKGS="jq" && \
    yum install -y --nodocs ${YUM_PKGS} && \
    npm install --prefix /usr/lib npm@latest --ignore-scripts --no-audit --no-fund --no-update-notifier && \
    REGISTRY_VERSION=$(jq -r '.Version' "${JOB_CONFIG}") && \
    REGISTRY_GENERATOR_VERSION=$(jq -r --arg REGISTRY_VERSION "${REGISTRY_VERSION}" '.Other["@eclipse-che/plugin-registry-generator"][$REGISTRY_VERSION]' "${JOB_CONFIG}") && \
    npm install @eclipse-che/plugin-registry-generator@$REGISTRY_GENERATOR_VERSION --ignore-scripts --no-audit --no-fund --no-update-notifier && \
    npx @eclipse-che/plugin-registry-generator@"${REGISTRY_GENERATOR_VERSION}" --root-folder:"$(pwd)" --output-folder:"$(pwd)/output" --embed-vsix:true --skip-digest-generation:true && \
    tar -czf resources.tar.gz ./output/v3/

### Plugin Registry Image

COPY ./build/dockerfiles/content_set*.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/
COPY ./build/dockerfiles/ /tmp
RUN /tmp/ && rm -f /tmp/

COPY --chown=0:0 --from=ovsx-server-builder /openvsx-server.tar.gz .
COPY --chown=0:0 --from=ovsx-lib-builder /opt/app-root/src/ovsx.tar.gz .
COPY --chown=0:0 --from=plugin-builder /tmp/resources.tar.gz .


One very important note is that I'm using Semeru Open JDK vs the normal Open JDK, because it has a JIT. This makes compiling the binaries, especially on multi-architectures, a lot faster.

SDawley commented 1 year ago

OK so you're still using That's currently the part that I'm focusing on since we have to rebuild the vsix plugins internally for Red Hat (just for context in case I do not comment on this again immediately) but I will definitely take another closer look when I get to that part of the build. Thank you for sharing!

ArvinB commented 1 year ago

@SDawley Yep using unless you replace it with something else in 3.6. A couple notes here with this is that most vsix files are architecture independent, while some language ones are not...thus this is needed again for multi-arch builds.

While on the subject of this script, which seems to work most of the time... This curl in particular will sometimes lead to 502 Bad Gateway which then causes the next jq command to fail ending the whole build process. This is especially true during daytime when traffic is at its highest. I'm just guessing can't handle the load sometimes.

vsixMetadata=$(curl -sLS "${vsixName}/latest")

Tiny suggestion, but of course you can use this how you like, here is an augmentation I made that corrects for this I would say over 95% of the time:

response_code=$(curl -sLS -o metadata.txt -w "%{http_code}" "${vsixName}/latest")
vsixMetadata=$(cat metadata.txt) && rm -f metadata.txt
if [[ $response_code != "200" ]]; then
    sleep 3
    vsixMetadata=$(curl -sLS "${vsixName}/latest")

So here I'm just putting the response to a file and instead capturing the status code of the curl request. If it's not a 200, then I wait 3 seconds and try again and if the issue continues I assume there is something else beyond our control going on. The jq tool will then fail as before. The -S is supposed to spit out any errors, but that only applies if curl itself fails.

ArvinB commented 1 year ago

Slightly better iteration:

            for i in {1..5}
                response_code=$(curl -sLS -o metadata.txt -w "%{http_code}" "${vsixName}/latest")
                vsixMetadata=$(cat metadata.txt) && rm -f metadata.txt
                if [[ $response_code == "200" ]]; then
                sleep 3
                echo "Retrying...${vsixName}/latest"
cgruver commented 1 year ago

@ArvinB I don't know if this will be of any help at all, but I recently built a self-hosted instance of the open-vsx registry that has support for pulling the VSIX files onto a bastion host before uploading them to the OpenShift hosted VSX registry.

I rewrote the VSIX download/upload script to use a YAML file instead of JSON, and added logic to it to also resolve extension dependencies.

One major advantage of this method is that you don't have to rebuild the whole thing just to add new or updated extensions.

It is still WIP. But it does work. I'm also going to look at turning it into an operator for self-hosted open-vsx in disconnected environments.

ArvinB commented 1 year ago

Thanks @cgruver the script you reworked looks solid! If your work is incorporated into DS 3.6 then I for sure will adopt it.

I think I have everything building now for x86_64 and s390x. However on ppc64le the gradle build of the ovsx-server seems to fail.

./gradlew --no-daemon --console=plain assemble

I noticed you are pulling the binaries from only the x86_64 ovsx-server image. Got any clues about this one?

cgruver commented 1 year ago

The only reason that I'm just pulling the x86_64 VSIX bundle is because the cluster that I built this for is exclusively Intel architecture. There's no reason that you couldn't pull other architectures if they are supported by the extension. Most extensions are architecture agnostic.

che-bot commented 11 months ago

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