eclipse-corrosion / corrosion

Eclipse Corrosion - Rust edition in Eclipse IDE
Eclipse Public License 2.0
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"Could not get trigger characters" in Eclipse-Corrosion turning cursor into treacle #427

Open Mrodent opened 4 months ago

Mrodent commented 4 months ago

My Corrosion plugin in Eclipse has never been great. I get no intellisense out of it at all and essentially just use it for syntax colouring (it also usually gets right whether the code is legal and flags errors).

But just recently it has started doing something odd with my cursor movements (using the keyboard). These are suddenly delayed horribly when I try to move up-down or right-left. Or possibly not delayed, but the cursor seems to freeze when I hold the arrow key down ... and then appears in a different location when I release it.

At the same time a "warning" is printed out multiple times and near-simultaneously in the "Error log" tab: "Could not get trigger characters due to timeout after 50 milliseconds". There are no gsearch hits on this: a rare feat. The plug-in said to be responsible for each such message is "org.eclipse.lsp4e".

The thing I have done which might possibly have changed things in my setup is to upgrade Rust from 1.70 to 1.76 about 3 days ago.

I have tried uninstalling Corrosion, closing and re-opening Eclipse, and re-installing Corrosion: problem re-occurs.

Any ideas what I should do (apart from dumping Eclipse and using some better IDE maybe)?

I also tried updating the "Language Server" under Windows --> Preferences --> Rust. This fails with "The process cannot access the file...". But I think that always happened anyway.

howlger commented 4 months ago

From what you say, the Rust language server that you have installed on your system does not work and has never worked in the Corrosion version you have on the operating system you have and the way you have configured the Rust language server in Corrosion.

How can your problem be reproduced? Please describe it without using non-technical terms like terrible.

Could you provide a pull request that fixes the issue?

Mrodent commented 4 months ago

Thanks for the reply. The language server has never done intellisense, but it has done syntax colouring, and enough language analysis to correctly identify illegal (non-compilable) code, so I am a bit confused. I have previously asked questions about configuring the RLS properly and not really got anywhere. For the record, this is a W10 OS. Eclipse version 2023-06 (4.28.0), Corrosion, and my Rust version (after the recent upgrade) 1.76.

I've never done a git pull request in my life so don't know how to do that, and I don't understand: are you asking me to fix the issue first? I've installed Corrosion manually, using Help --> Eclipse Marketplace.

I don't know how to reproduce this, if it doesn't occur on your system. But I had a close look at that page you linked to. I shall try to use the various methods you have described there to have a working Eclipse + Rust + Corrosion set up. If necessary, uninstalling Eclipse and then re-installing.

The trouble being that this latency with keystrokes (in fact not just affecting navigation keyboard keys) is making it impossible to work on Rust.

I'm assuming that "Could not get trigger characters due to timeout after 50 milliseconds" issue, which I presume is behind the latency, doesn't really ring any bells for you. I'm also assuming/hoping that your Corrosion plug-in should in principle work perfectly OK on W10, and with Rust 1.76.

Actually, could you possibly say which version/flavour of the Eclipse IDE you recommend for Rust and Corrosion? I usually install "Eclipse IDE for Enterprise ... "... but the main two languages I'll be using are Python and Rust. Maybe I should install another one?

Later Hmmm. Using the "automatic" install, I tried a couple of times to install two flavours... and went the "Oomph" route. They absolutely failed to install Corrosion. All sorts of errors flagged. Now I am trying the "manual" install. You say on that page "Use Eclipse for Eclipse Contributors or any version ..." ... do you mean "Eclipse for Committers"? I can't see one for "Contributors".

Later Going down the manual route I get as far as "Run the org.eclipse.corrosion project as an Eclipse Application (Right-click on project > Run As > Eclipse Application; or using the Launch Configuration dialog)". This opens another IDE window. But I haven't a clue what to do next. There is nothing set up to interpret .rs files: I get the question "How do you want to edit this file, choose an editor" ... and there is no "Rust" entry under Windows --> Prefs.

Maybe that recipe for installing Corrosion works on Linux. But nothing on that page appears to work for W10.