eclipse-cyclonedds / cyclonedds-python

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IDLC not generating usable modules when types are defined in parent files #252

Open FirebarSim opened 1 month ago

FirebarSim commented 1 month ago

When running IDLC on the C2INAV IDL (C2INAV) after minor changes and provision of common files from OARIS an apparently successful conversion occurs. However, when attempting to import the generated module a NameError occurs due to missing type definitions.

Certain files, e.g. orgomgc4iDomain_Model__Navigation_DomainAttitudeOffset_Report.idl, use types defined in their parent modules and appear to need relative import statements, e.g. `from .._orgomgc4iDomain_Model__Navigation_Domain__Attitude import offset_report_key_type_kind`, added to function correctly.