eclipse-cyclonedds / cyclonedds-python

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Segfault when creating topics with composite inherited key #257

Closed tonichedgehog closed 2 weeks ago

tonichedgehog commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, the below IDL and python script produces a segfault when creating the second toipc:

module ns {

struct Identity {
  long f1;
  long f2;

struct Base {
  @key Identity id;

struct Derived : Base {
  long val;


idlc -x final -l py input.idl

import cyclonedds as dds
from ns import Base, Derived

if __name__ == '__main__':

    dp = dds.domain.DomainParticipant()

    t1 = dds.topic.Topic(dp, 't1', Base)
    t2 = dds.topic.Topic(dp, 't2', Derived)

Using cyclonedds from master, 00c63c34, and cyclonedds-python 8a1486bd33cc6797831567566b154db222adf6b5 on Linux.