eclipse-cyclonedds / cyclonedds-python

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Error creating topics on empty struct which inherits non emtpy struct #258

Closed trittsv closed 2 weeks ago

trittsv commented 2 weeks ago

There is a error when trying to create a topic C_Acoustic_Bearing_Detection_Location. It also fails on C_Acoustic_Detection topics (because the type above is involved). using the current master c 00c63c342c2d858bf94b6a602dcf8bd696fdbe26 and py 8a1486bd33cc6797831567566b154db222adf6b5

1718652485.780774 [0]      16932: type [MINIMAL 88badc9de67703b045af84587e35]: ddsi_xt_type_init_impl with invalid type object
Error creating P_Acoustic_Detector_PSM_C_Acoustic_Bearing_Detection_Location: [DDS_RETCODE_BAD_PARAMETER] Bad parameter value. Occurred upon initialisation of a cyclonedds.topic.Topi

With this IDL:

module P_Tactical_Sensor_PSM
   struct C_Detection_Location
      string cation;

   struct C_Bearing_Detection_Location : C_Detection_Location
      string A_relativeBearing;

   struct C_Detection
      string x;

module P_Acoustic_Detector_PSM
   struct C_Acoustic_Bearing_Detection_Location : P_Tactical_Sensor_PSM::C_Bearing_Detection_Location

   struct C_Acoustic_Detection : P_Tactical_Sensor_PSM::C_Detection
      @hashid sequence <C_Acoustic_Bearing_Detection_Location> A_bearingDetectionLocations;