eclipse-datatools / datatools

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New postgresql connection profile: ancient jdbc driver + empty driver dropdown #16

Open minfrin opened 7 months ago

minfrin commented 7 months ago

When using Eclipse Datatools on a completely clean Eclipse J2EE install for Windows, it is not possible to connect to a postgresql database.

Try to create a postgresql connection profile as follows:


Click next, you end up with an empty dropdown of drivers, and no obvious way to continue.


No obvious way to continue.

minfrin commented 7 months ago

Go into Eclipse preferences, find new driver definition. Eclipse is aware of Postgresql, but makes reference to the ancient driver v8.x, then complains the driver cannot be found on the filesystem in a location kept secret.


merks commented 7 months ago

I strongly recommend creating a pull request to help solve the problem. It's easy to set up a development environment for that purpose:

I personally can only minimally help maintain the code and review contributions, there are effectively no active developers, and even I don't know the code base well at all.

For the future, this application is super handy for creating screen captures:


minfrin commented 7 months ago

I spend most of my time fixing bugs, getting my head around an eclipse plugin is not something I have bandwidth for right now alas.

This particular machine is an island amongst unix boxes.

From what I can see, eclipse sort-of packages jdbc drivers. If you download the driver manually and point to the driver manually it works. Ideally though this shouldn't be needed.

Where are the projects that package jdbc drivers? If I have an example to work from I can figure it out.

merks commented 7 months ago

I understand that self-service is not necessarily an option for everyone. Unfortunately I am rather clueless how any of this functions, though I do know lots about the underlying frameworks being used by DataTools, I just know nothing in detail about DataTools itself. I'm just the release engineering helper...

Doing a search in the workspace, these things seems relevant:


I am able to see the problem you show in a debug launch:


In the debugger I see it's just looking for this file without even specifying a path such that it appears to be looking for it in the current working directory:


That makes no sense to me and I don't see any such jar being packaged up by the build.

I see that name is specified here:


I have no clue how it is supposed to work nor how one might go about fixing it. 😱

merks commented 7 months ago

BTW, I see the same problem for every type of driver though some appears to look somewhere else in the file system:


I have a feeling maybe you have to populate this:


But I think your assumption that drivers are being distributed is probably not correct.