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Eclipse GlassFish
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Failure to lookup EJB in ear/war #21114

Closed glassfishrobot closed 4 years ago

glassfishrobot commented 10 years ago

I have an ear which includes an EJB and a jax-rs WAR module, both listed in the application.xml file of the EAR.

The war contains jax-rs Application and resource bean classes, and the resource class injects stateless bean from the EJB module using @EJB annotation.

When I access the REST resource after deploy GlassFish is unable to locate the jax-rs resource bean, which lives inside the WAR. It looks like GlassFish assumes it is to be found in the EJB module (see Stacktrace below).

I have a small example application exhibiting this problem, that I will gladly upload if possible.

The problem does not appear to be in GlassFish versions 4.0 up to and including 4.0.1 b04.

We have done testing on both Java 7 and 8.

[2014-07-01T12:06:22.179+0200] [glassfish 4.0] [WARNING] [] [] [tid: _ThreadID=123 _ThreadName=http-listener-1(1)] [timeMillis: 1404209182179] [levelValue: 900] [[ An instance of EJB class,, could not be looked up using simple form name. Attempting to look up using the fully-qualified form name. javax.naming.NamingException: Lookup failed for 'java:app/gf-4.0.1-fail-ejb-1.0-SNAPSHOT/HelloWorldBean' in SerialContext[myEnv=

{java.naming.factory.initial=com.sun.enterprise.naming.impl.SerialInitContextFactory,, java.naming.factory.url.pkgs=com.sun.enterprise.naming}

[Root exception is javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: No object bound to name java:app/gf-4.0.1-fail-ejb-1.0-SNAPSHOT/HelloWorldBean] at com.sun.enterprise.naming.impl.SerialContext.lookup( at com.sun.enterprise.naming.impl.SerialContext.lookup( at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup( at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup( at at at$000( at$EjbFactory.provide( at org.jvnet.hk2.internal.FactoryCreator.create( at org.jvnet.hk2.internal.SystemDescriptor.create( at org.jvnet.hk2.internal.PerLookupContext.findOrCreate( at org.jvnet.hk2.internal.Utilities.createService( at org.jvnet.hk2.internal.ServiceLocatorImpl.getService( at org.jvnet.hk2.internal.ServiceLocatorImpl.getService( at org.glassfish.jersey.internal.inject.Injections.getOrCreate( at org.glassfish.jersey.server.model.MethodHandler$ClassBasedMethodHandler.getInstance( at org.glassfish.jersey.server.internal.routing.PushMethodHandlerRouter.apply( at org.glassfish.jersey.server.internal.routing.RoutingStage._apply( at org.glassfish.jersey.server.internal.routing.RoutingStage._apply( at org.glassfish.jersey.server.internal.routing.RoutingStage._apply( at org.glassfish.jersey.server.internal.routing.RoutingStage._apply( at org.glassfish.jersey.server.internal.routing.RoutingStage.apply( at org.glassfish.jersey.server.internal.routing.RoutingStage.apply( at org.glassfish.jersey.process.internal.Stages.process( at org.glassfish.jersey.server.ServerRuntime$ at org.glassfish.jersey.internal.Errors$ at org.glassfish.jersey.internal.Errors$ at org.glassfish.jersey.internal.Errors.process( at org.glassfish.jersey.internal.Errors.process( at org.glassfish.jersey.internal.Errors.process( at org.glassfish.jersey.process.internal.RequestScope.runInScope( at org.glassfish.jersey.server.ServerRuntime.process( at org.glassfish.jersey.server.ApplicationHandler.handle( at org.glassfish.jersey.servlet.WebComponent.service( at org.glassfish.jersey.servlet.ServletContainer.service( at org.glassfish.jersey.servlet.ServletContainer.service( at org.glassfish.jersey.servlet.ServletContainer.service( at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper.service( at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke( at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke( at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.doInvoke( at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke( at com.sun.enterprise.web.WebPipeline.invoke( at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke( at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.doService( at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service( at$ at at org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.HttpHandler.runService( at org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.HttpHandler.doHandle( at org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.HttpServerFilter.handleRead( at org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.ExecutorResolver$9.execute( at org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.DefaultFilterChain.executeFilter( at org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.DefaultFilterChain.executeChainPart( at org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.DefaultFilterChain.execute( at org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.DefaultFilterChain.process( at org.glassfish.grizzly.ProcessorExecutor.execute( at org.glassfish.grizzly.nio.transport.TCPNIOTransport.fireIOEvent( at org.glassfish.grizzly.strategies.AbstractIOStrategy.fireIOEvent( at org.glassfish.grizzly.strategies.WorkerThreadIOStrategy.run0( at org.glassfish.grizzly.strategies.WorkerThreadIOStrategy.access$100( at org.glassfish.grizzly.strategies.WorkerThreadIOStrategy$ at org.glassfish.grizzly.threadpool.AbstractThreadPool$Worker.doWork( at org.glassfish.grizzly.threadpool.AbstractThreadPool$ at Caused by: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: No object bound to name java:app/gf-4.0.1-fail-ejb-1.0-SNAPSHOT/HelloWorldBean at com.sun.enterprise.naming.impl.GlassfishNamingManagerImpl.lookup( at com.sun.enterprise.naming.impl.GlassfishNamingManagerImpl.lookup( at com.sun.enterprise.naming.impl.JavaURLContext.lookup( at com.sun.enterprise.naming.impl.SerialContext.lookup( ... 64 more ]]

Affected Versions


glassfishrobot commented 6 years ago
glassfishrobot commented 10 years ago

@glassfishrobot Commented @barchetta said: There have been some recent Jersey integrations. Assigning to Jakub for initial evaluation.

glassfishrobot commented 10 years ago

@glassfishrobot Commented dbcjbn said: Would you happen to have an estimate on when this issue will be addressed, please?

glassfishrobot commented 10 years ago

@glassfishrobot Commented dbcjbn said: This bug has also been observed on GlassFish v4.1

glassfishrobot commented 10 years ago

@glassfishrobot Commented sgerr said: Bug is reproduced at Glassfish 4.1. It seems it is related to, but Jersey bug is at fixed state (fix version is 2.6), whereas Glassfish 4.1 is packaged with jersey of version 2.10.4-0. Unfortunately, this bug still appears. Is it scheduled for resolution?

glassfishrobot commented 10 years ago

@glassfishrobot Commented giates2000 said: Due to this issue all my working jee7 rest web services are now stopped on glassfish v. 4.1, is there any workaround ?

glassfishrobot commented 9 years ago

@glassfishrobot Commented gray said: I've found what is causing this bug and added comment to

glassfishrobot commented 9 years ago

@glassfishrobot Commented gray said:

glassfishrobot commented 9 years ago

@glassfishrobot Commented marvinemilbrach said: posssible workaround: replace @Stateless with: @javax.enterprise.context.RequestScoped @javax.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped @javax.enterprise.context.ConversationScoped // NOT tested @javax.enterprise.context.SessionScoped // NOT tested

perhaps related to

glassfishrobot commented 9 years ago

@glassfishrobot Commented dobromyslov said: @RequestScoped breaks transactions in Jersey and it requires to mark methods as @Transactional.

Also Weld does not work well with @RequestScoped and raises an exception sometimes:

glassfishrobot commented 9 years ago

@glassfishrobot Commented dobromyslov said: java.lang.IllegalStateException: WELD-000335: Context is already active Raises when I redeploy with JRebel. It's been fixed in WELD 2.2.8.Final.

glassfishrobot commented 9 years ago

@glassfishrobot Commented sparksis said: I've submitted a pull request which fixes the issue in Jersey:

Unfortunately the the pull request is still pending.

glassfishrobot commented 8 years ago

@glassfishrobot Commented nabizamani said: Is this here still an open issue? I'm just wondering because there is no reaction from Oracle!

glassfishrobot commented 8 years ago

@glassfishrobot Commented @japod said: I am no longer on Jersey team. IIUC, this has already been fixed in Jersey (as per ). So this bug should get fixed in GlassFish once the corresponding Jersey version gets integrated.

glassfishrobot commented 7 years ago

@glassfishrobot Commented nabizamani said: So today GlassFish 4.1.2 was released - although way too late that's better than nothing! However, this kinda old bug was not fixed. By the way - this bug is definitely fixed in Payara!!!!

Now I wonder why this bug did not get fixed? The public announcement at states clearly:

"GlassFish 4.1.2 has undergone extensive testing that include the component unit tests, developer tests, full CTS 7 as well as standalone TCKs"

That statement sounds like a joke if such major bugs like this one are not fixed! How can GlassFish be called Java EE 7 compliant??? So what's the state here?

glassfishrobot commented 7 years ago

@glassfishrobot Commented This issue was imported from JIRA GLASSFISH-21114

glassfishrobot commented 10 years ago

@glassfishrobot Commented Reported by dbcjbn

glassfishrobot commented 7 years ago

@waynegemmell Commented Hi I have the same problem. The work around mentioned worked for me. Error

javax.naming.NamingException: Lookup failed for 'java:app/ConnetOBS-ejb/BillingServiceFacadeREST' in SerialContext[myEnv={java.naming.factory.initial=com.sun.enterprise.naming.impl.SerialInitContextFactory,, java.naming.factory.url.pkgs=com.sun.enterprise.naming} [Root exception is javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: No object bound to name java:app/ConnetOBS-ejb/BillingServiceFacadeREST]


I replaced @stateless with @javax.enterprise.context.RequestScoped

glassfishrobot commented 7 years ago

@waynegemmell Commented Subsequently, I had do follow the instructions in the following comment to get a working system. I hope this helps someone.

glassfishrobot commented 7 years ago

@dinagpal Commented I got your point. As you mentioned before that you are having a sample app exhibiting this issue. If you upload it then it will be convenient for me to reproduce this bug.

glassfishrobot commented 7 years ago

@yaminikb Commented @nabizamani This bug is not fixed in 4.1.2. Can you please try with GlassFish 5.0?

glassfishrobot commented 7 years ago

@dinagpal Commented This issue is caused by Jersey. Glassfish 5.0 is integrated with Jersey version 2.26-b02 and the Jersey bug is at fixed state in this version. I have verified it also by creating a sample application.

glassfishrobot commented 7 years ago

@yaminikb Commented @waynegemmell Can you please verify if your problem is resolved using latest GlassFish 5.0?

glassfishrobot commented 7 years ago

@waynegemmell Commented It looks to be working on Glassfish 5, not that that helps my production implementation. On glassfish 5 however, the Jersey stuff isn't emitting JSON anymore so it's difficult to test.

glassfishrobot commented 7 years ago

@nzamani Commented This issue has been around for about 3 years, and it still exists in 4.1.2 - what a shame. We are desperately waiting to get this fixed, have a look at stackoverflow! Especially since there seems to be an easy fix by patching Jersey.

However, the last 3 years nothing happened. How about offering Glassfish 4.1.3??? I think this is important because with this bug Glassfish 4 IS NOT Java EE 7 compliant!

And please add the labels right labels as this reflects the reality much better:

github-actions[bot] commented 4 years ago

This issue has been marked as inactive and old and will be closed in 7 days if there is no further activity. If you want the issue to remain open please add a comment