eclipse-ee4j / glassfish

Eclipse GlassFish
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Classloader matching for BeanDeploymentArchives #24933

Closed lisa-lthorrold closed 1 month ago

lisa-lthorrold commented 1 month ago

The same beanClass may be within several BeanDeploymentArchives. In it's current form, it returns the first matching BDA by checking if the beanClass is can be found within that BDA. If the incorrect BDA is returned, for example in:

then the classloader of the instantiated object in createManagedObject will belong (based on to the initiating class loader which first created the managed bean. This results in a classcastexception if subsequent requests for the same beanclass is coming from a different classloader (i.e. the classloader of the managedClass is disregarded).

The change here tightens the condition for returning the correct BDA, by matching it's module class loader to the incoming beanClass to ensure no classcastexception is thrown when the generated objected is cast back to beanClass.

arjantijms commented 1 month ago

I was a bit slow to see this PR, but really great work! Thanks from me too!