eclipse-ee4j / grizzly

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Warnings printed out for HTTP/2 Settings #2207

Open lprimak opened 3 months ago

lprimak commented 3 months ago

Started seeing these in the logs. Not readily reproducible but appears with the later versions of Grizzly 4.0.0 Maybe has something to do with Chrome but I am not sure.

[#|2024-03-14T16:09:23.862+0000|WARNING|Payara 6.2024.3|org.glassfish.grizzly.http2.frames.SettingsFrame|_ThreadID=91;_ThreadName=http-thread-pool::http-listener-2(3);_TimeMillis=1710432563862;_LevelValue=900;|
  Setting 2,794 is unknown and will be ignored|#]

[#|2024-03-14T16:09:32.167+0000|WARNING|Payara 6.2024.3|org.glassfish.grizzly.http2.frames.SettingsFrame|_ThreadID=90;_ThreadName=http-thread-pool::http-listener-2(2);_TimeMillis=1710432572167;_LevelValue=900;|
  Setting 6,714 is unknown and will be ignored|#]

See also

lprimak commented 3 months ago

Chrome is the only browser I can reproduce this with