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Allow to disable lookup of o.g.j.s.spi.ComponentProvider #3199

Open jerseyrobot opened 9 years ago

jerseyrobot commented 9 years ago


I have been trying to get the latest Jersey embedded in my application which will run on vanilla Glassfish 4.0. In order to succeed, I need to disable any runtime look ups of the classes in the classpath (since then older Jersey version integrated into Glassfish will conflict with newer one I'm trying to embed). I'm almost done except that I cannot prevent Jersey from ServiceFinder'ing o.g.j.s.spi.ComponentProvider at o.g.j.server.ApplicationHandler. Could you make this lookup optional (which would be configuration with either METAINF_SERVICES_LOOKUP_DISBALE or a new property)?


Glassfish 4.0 on Linux

Affected Versions

[2.17, 2.19]

jerseyrobot commented 6 years ago
jerseyrobot commented 9 years ago

@glassfishrobot Commented Reported by modaxas

jerseyrobot commented 9 years ago

@glassfishrobot Commented @AdamLindenthal said: Hi, wouldn't it be easier to download latest glassfish sources (we are integrating latest jersey into glassfish during each release) and build it? Or do you really need for some reason not to use jersey provided by glassfish (regardless the version)?

Regards, Adam

jerseyrobot commented 9 years ago

@glassfishrobot Commented @AdamLindenthal said:

jerseyrobot commented 9 years ago

@glassfishrobot Commented modaxas said: Hello,

no, because I have no control over production environment (nor I want the app to be strictly tied to it) but I obviously want to use the latest Jersey for practical reasons (+ a couple of features and bug fixes). Unfortunately, Glassfish, which I need as a mere app container in my case, is getting in my way where it should not to.

I would not ask If it didn't work and didn't help my case. Currently I have to resort to shipping a modified version of ApplicationHandler in my app which skips the scanning. But obviously this is neither nice nor very maintainable.

jerseyrobot commented 9 years ago

@glassfishrobot Commented @AdamLindenthal said: Well, I understand your motivation, it's just that I would be afraid of running into some weird issues in the future if something remains on classpath. I will put this issue to backlog, so that we can take a look at it in one of the future sprints.

jerseyrobot commented 7 years ago

@glassfishrobot Commented This issue was imported from JIRA JERSEY-2927